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Opening Curtains
by PamFord Davis
4/21/2011 / Devotionals
The audience sits in plush seats waiting for the show to begin. Conversations range from polite library voices to boisterous laughter. Suddenly the curtains begin to open; stillness replaces chatter. Attention turns to center stage and the opening act. The interest of those attending varies; some have traveled far and splurged for a night on the town; others received promotional tickets and came only because they were not pressed for time.
A crowd gathered at Golgotha to witness an execution. Some anticipated a spectacle, delighting in suffering and bloodshed. They held preconceived opinions of those given Roman death penalty by crucifixion. Surely they were to reap what they had sown, getting their just deserts. They jeered and taunted those nailed to wooden beams and found a sense of power surge through pulsing veins.
Family and friends of those awaiting execution were overwhelmed; grueling grief sapped them of strength. They grasped to hold onto every fleeting second of life together with ones they held so dear. The show of Roman might would offer no intermission. They would see the closing scene with the spoils going to the victor; death would once again snuff out life.
"Then Jesus shouted out again, dismissed his spirit, and died. And look! The curtain secluding the Holiest Place in the Temple was split apart from top to bottom; and the earth shook, and rocks broke, and tombs opened, and many godly men and women who had died came back to life again. After Jesus resurrection, they left the cemetery and went into Jerusalem, and appeared to many people there (Matthew 27:50-53 Living Bible)." The curtain of separation opened forevermore! Through Jesus victory over death, we approach Almighty God!
Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.
Article Source: WRITERS
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