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trACker number361 You Alone are the Restorer of My Soul

by Dudley Anderson  
6/03/2011 / Devotionals

trACker number361
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
GodTracker is online at

03 June 2011

Dear God Tracker

You Alone are the Restorer of My Soul

I have a friend who was married to a very abusive man. We'll call her Janet. Janet had three boys, who she loved very much but their father was a violent alcoholic who would regularly beat Janet and her children. He could not hold down a job, which meant that she needed to work long hours to keep the family together but sadly one day, she was called in and informed that the department she worked for was closing. Janet lost her only means of security, provision and escape. Living in a country with no social service all the family's funds soon ran out and with no source of income to feed his habit, her husband walked out on her. There she was, destitute, deserted and depressed with three young children to feed. And yet, Janet knew Christ.

Months, years soon passed. Janet lost her home and almost all her possessions. She moved to a small one roomed shack in a new town. Their living conditions were appalling; no running water, no sewerage, no electricity and barely one mattress for all four of them to sleep on. And yet Janet never took her eyes of her Lord. She walked miles on Sundays to attend church. She regularly read her Bible and continued to spend time in prayer and praise with Jesus. Janet had reached rock bottom. All that she had left was the Rock on which she stood.

Gradually, as Janet maintained her faith and her trust in her Rock, Jesus Christ, she began to sense a deep inner strength that rescued her. That strength was the hope that God would restore her. Like Job of the Bible, Janet knew that there was only one hope, one source and one resource to her restoration. That source was God. The psalmist wrote, "He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake," (Psalm 23:3). "O Lord, my Lord, I know that my life and the lives of my children are in your hands. You are our only hope and I know that you will never desert us," Janet prayed. "You alone are the Restorer of my soul."

Dear God Tracker, whatever you are facing today please believe me when I say that you can never out manoeuvre God's grace. He is faithful and provided you keep your eyes on Jesus, like Janet, you will soon be restored. In fact, like Job, your latter state will be greater than your former.

I'm happy to report that Janet found a new well paid job and was able to move her family to better accommodation. Soon her finances were restored and she was able to provide more for her boys than she ever had done before. Janet had confirmed that God is good and his love endures forever.

God-tracking is never taking your eyes of Jesus, your restorer.

God bless



What is trACker?
GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003.

You can now hear Dudley Anderson on UCB UK
Saturdays from 00:00 to 05:00 GMT and Sundays from 06:00 to 12:00 GMT
Listen to UCB UK on DAB, Sky channel 0125 or online at


Verse of the Week

Psalm 71:20
Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.

Quote of the Week
A Sample of Dudley's Fave Quotes.

"When you face the perils of weariness, carelessness, and confusion, don't pray for an easier life. Pray instead to be a stronger man or woman of God." --- Luis Palau

Don't Give-up, Look-up!
Look-up and Fix Your Eyes On Jesus!

Lord, I Know You Care

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

"My loving and holy Father, I know that only you can get me out of the mess I'm in. Lord, my 9finances are in ruins; my relationships are not what they used to be and my emotional state is in tatters. Help me to rest in you for as long as it takes to refine me. Lord, I know that you are faithful and you will never abandon me. I put my faith in you as I hope I your restoration in my life. Help me to let go of my cares and anxieties. Today I do some 'care-casting' in Jesus' name as I cast my anxieties upon you. Lord, I know you care. Amen."

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Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at

Article Source: WRITERS

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