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Romance Quiz for Couples

by Melissa Martin  
11/08/2011 / Marriage

Take this short humorous quiz to see if romance is still alive in your relationship. Then plan a nice dinner with no children, no pets, and no relatives.

Romance Quiz for Husbands

1. If you surprised your wife with a dozen red roses and week's supply of Viagra, would she:
a. faint from shock
b. fake a brain tumor
c. laugh uncontrollably
d. fall on her knees in prayer

2. If you arranged a weekend get-away for your wife, would she:
a. schedule an x-ray to see if you have brain damage
b. go alone and leave you at home
c. become suspicious and call your mother
d. pack her suitcase in delight

3. If you remembered your wedding anniversary, would your wife:
a. give you a laxative
b. think you're an alien
c. ask for the credit card
d. dance a jig

4. If you bought your wife a negligee, would she:
a. return it for the money
b. use it as a dishrag
c. wonder if you wrecked the car
d. wear it

Romance Quiz for Wives

1. If you cooked a homemade meal for your husband, would he:
a. think you're a clone
b. eat it while watching TV
c. suspect arsenic
d. think it was an aphrodisiac

2. If you offered a back massage, would he:
a. drop his false teeth in shock
b. go fishing instead
c. clean out his sock drawer
d. send the kids to grandma's house

3. If you gave your husband a mushy card, would he:
a. attribute it to premenstrual syndrome
b. recycle it
c. ask where the gift is
d. sincerely give thanks for you

4. If you gave your husband fancy cologne and a bottle of
Viagra, would he:
a. drive you to the hospital for admission
b. sell them to his brother
c. ask for a receipt
d. drop the word submission from his vocabulary

If the letter "d" was consistently picked then your marriage is in the fast lane. If other letters were chosen, please see a marriage counselor or a funeral director.

Melissa writes about the God and human connection and condition.

Article Source: WRITERS

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