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Dealing With Challenges In Marriage With Unbelieving Spouse

by Ngozi Nwoke  
9/11/2012 / Marriage

How can I overcome the storms of life in marriage when my spouse is not in agreement with me? If this is your question, relax because this article will answer it for you. Truly, if you and your spouse are in agreement, it is easier to overcome challenges than when you are doing so alone. But God is aware of this situation and has a solution already for you.

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:31-32, KJV)

For the LordGod is a sun and shield; The Lordwill give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly - (Psalm 84:11, NKJV)

You can secure God's in intervention in your marriage even when your unbelieving spouse is not in agreement with you. One with God is more than a multitude. All things are possible with God. Be in agreement with God and the Prince of peace will calm the storms of life in marriage.

Surly being in the same camp with your spouse is an added advantage when combating a challenge. But while, God is working on your spouse to convert him or her, you can still overcome all challenges. Those mountains are surmountable. God for your sake will always intervene.

The storm period is not a time to get angry with your unbelieving spouse, calling him or her names. It's a time to stand in the gap and bridge any broken hedge that gave the enemy access into your family. Build up your faith by studying the Word and praying. Listen for God's instructions and promptly obey them regardless of how you feel about them.

One with God is a majority -Martin Luther. The storms of life in marriage will overcome you if you are not with God. You are the determinant of what happens to those challenges. Think, speak and act God's words concerning those problems and the enemy will leave your marriage and family as he left Jesus in the wilderness.

This fight calls for persistence, perseverance and absolute obedience to God's word. The life span of the challenge will increase if you quit. Fight to a finish and victory will be yours. Walk in love towards your spouse, live the life of Christ and you will speed up God's intervention in your marriage. In the process too, your unbelieving spouse can become a believing Christian.

In conclusion, overcoming the storms of life in marriage indeed is challenging without the support of your spouse, but you can overcome them when you are one with God. God will not allow any problems beyond you to come to you, therefore, arise and conquer them all in Jesus name.

Ngozi Nwoke is a teacher, speaker, counselor and author of "Peace Money Can't Buy" and "The Man Jesus: What You Need to Know About Christ". She has a passion to teach people how to enjoy peace, God's love, and Christian living for a more fulfilling life. Want a more fulfilling life?

Article Source: WRITERS

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