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Same Sex Marriage

by Maurice Armstrong  
9/30/2012 / Marriage

What is same sex marriage? The term actually conveys the idea of two men or two women in a relationship as husband and wife. In these relationships however, one of the female partners instinctively assumes the role of the man or male character as is often seen, with all the masculine behaviors including: hair-cuts and" boxers" style under wear. Likewise, one of the male partners takes on the role of the effeminate female, with his hair-styled and nails polished.

For the argument sake and the argument sake only, if this is about "Same-sex" then, why are the male, female roles so intimately emulated? Is same-sex marriage possible without role assumptions? Why, would a man want to marry another man or a woman marry another woman? Is it because they love each other? Is it love or lust? Romans I: 26, 27 explains:For this purpose God gave them up unto vile affections for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust, one towards another: men with men working that which is unseemly.. The Bible very clearly illustrates that the homosexual lifestyle is "Vile, Un-natural and Unseemly." I'm convinced that our Creator in his infinite wisdom knew exactly what he was doing when he made us Male and Female. In Genesis I:26,27 the Bible says: God created man in his own image and likeness. God has never said OOP's. It is quite natural for a man to desire or want a woman and yes, similarly, it's only natural for a woman to desire or want a man. That's just the way God: "Our Heavenly Father" intended it to be. What we have infecting our society today is a dark decadence of inappropriate, immoral, unnatural behavior, becoming more and more prevalent as it is endorsed by those in high offices. Mama always said, "Son two left shoes could never be right, regardless of how you look at it". Put on a new tailor-made suit, buckle on a new Presidential Rolex, and it doesn't matter who you are; with two left shoes--it's just simply wrong. There is no court than can justify same sex relationships. Even if the courts were in-fact to do so, does that make it right? Does lipstick on a pig, make her a lady? If therefore the blind lead the blind, they both will fall into the ditch. Matthew 15:14 Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, the same shall he also reap. If we sow to the flesh we shall of the flesh reap corruption, but if we sow to the Spirit we shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6: 7- 8) God's word is the only sure foundation on which we can stand. If this foundation is removed then where do we stand? Jesus said, "Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them, I will likened unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock." "But everyone who heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand and when the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house; great was the fall of it. (Matthew 7:24-27)

Marriage is an institution Ordained by our Creator for the building of families, communities, cultures and to promote discipline and order for peaceful co-existence. It is only when we deviate from the original plan and purposes of God; to walk in our ways that we encounter all the chaos and confusion. Marriage is the Holy union of one man with one woman. We cannot re-define what the Creator has established. When we consider "Civil Union," we are basically looking at a "can of worms," we do not want to open. What we are in fact creating, is a complex "New Age Society," where a man can now have a woman by marriage and a male partner by civil union: A married woman can also, now have a female partner by civil union. Notwithstanding, since this is not the traditional marriage, we can also anticipate the possibilities of several unions; in a kaleidoscope of rainbow combinations and styles. I suppose, the powers- that- be will conveniently tag on a few legal terms, so making it easily acceptable.

Now let's consider these well established facts: Microsoft would not allow you to download or upload any other program into their system, but an Original Version.

In the Music Industry, copyright laws protect the original version of the artist work. Boot-Legging is the term used to describe the actions of those who "Copy" and market their version on the streets, at $5.00 each or you can get two for $7.00. Some may debate that these copies are just as good, but you obviously have never created anything.

Every book has a section somewhere on the second or third page that reads: All rights reserved, under "International Copyright Laws." contents of this book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without the expressed, written permission of the author or publisher. Well then, does this prevent boot-legging? Absolutely not! There will always be those members of society who will blatantly oppose the creator, the artist, or the author, and in their own pernicious ways; seek endorsements to justify their illegal actions. Should we then re-define the laws; so as to make them more up-to-date with the times? We have indeed transitioned several centuries, and some of these outdated laws do not fit our modern cultures. Change is wonderful, but we must be careful that in so doing, we do not "throw out the baby with the bathwater." It is foolish to get rid of the foundation because it is old. While there are some things that do need remodeling, the foundation should be prayerfully reinforced. Instead, like fools we chip away the very foundation on which our founding fathers have built this nation; and very soon, the entire building will come crashing down. Ask the building inspector, and he will tell you before you touch the foundation, consult an architect. Ask the architect, and he will tell you, there are some things you just cannot remove. Let's take for instance, the classic example of the six year old, neither her teacher nor the school principal could control. She had to be handcuffed by "Law Enforcement Authorities" to restrain her. Now, this is not a teenager at age 16, no, this is a child at age 6 (six). Since the foundation was removed:no prayer in school and no discipline in the home. The Bible say's "Train up a child in the way he/she should go and when he/she is old he /she will not depart from it. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. A child left to himself / herself bringeth his mother to shame". (Proverbs 22: 6, 29:15.) Who can hold back the destruction that's coming our way? The Bible, our instruction guides for raising children says, don't spare the rod, but I guess we don't have to follow the manufacturer's specifications. We think we know better, but our results are proving that we are failing miserably, and yet, we refuse to consult the instruction guide that came with the product. Can we re-define marriage? This is one of those pillars that the "Wise Master Builder" installed himself. In the beginning God Created Adam, the first man and for the man he made a woman, Eve. It's so very simple, yet, so sublime. This pillar of truth cannot be moved. For further information consult the word of God.. Can we re-define what is male or what is female? Since we were made in the image and likeness of God, why should we want anything else? Don't we have enough "Frank-n-stein's" already. Frankenstein, you may recall was the supposedly genius lab creation of a great scientist. But, the creature turned out to be a monster he could no longer control and the creature soon destroyed its creator. Who are we to attempt to correct God? We act as though the old man has somehow fallen asleep, and needs to be awakened to our vast technological advancements of which he is so blindly unaware. But, he is still very much in control, and has a set day appointed for the judgment of this world. There is no way we can change what God has made: as male and as female. Are we wiser than our Creator? God is God. He is, was and always will be God: Yesterday, today, and forever.

Same-Sex Marriage, also called Civil Union is therefore: The Illegal, xxx rated, counterfeit version of a sacred masterpiece. It has been defiantly copied by ungodly men and women, who, without the expressed consent of the Creator, have literally hacked their way into that which is "HOLY" and "SACRED". Their perverted copies are now marketed in our schools and churches, both publicly and privately and from club-houses to the White House. Mr. President Sir: I hereby suggest that you re-call the Copyright Laws, re-call all criminal laws: particularly--Thou shall not kill and Thou shall not steal, thereby, granting civil liberties to all interested parties. Veto all gun control. Remove all immigration boundaries and borders. Take away drug restrictions both pharmaceutical and those now deemed Illegal. "Give the people what they want". Finally Sir, may I also suggest, that our "Gay- American" New Jersey Governor be re-instated; and be allowed to complete his term in office. AND, "MAY GOD HAVE MERCY ON US ALL"

A Born Again Christian, Pastor/Teacher, Writer, Builder. I'm Learning Obedience.

Article Source: WRITERS

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