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A Charished Love

by harvestgal Ndaguba  
1/04/2013 / Marriage

Once I was alone, but I loved God. I had a vision to serve Him with all my heart. I heard the cry of nations calling me, calling me to bring them the Good News. I saw their thirst in the spirit. I saw the dryness of their lands. They were hungering for truth, yet looking in the wrong place. They found a cruel substitute, but deep inside, something was not satisfied. I saw this and I knew God was calling me there. I went alone. No missions organization. No partner, for no one around me was willing to go with me. But I had to answer the call. I had to go. All my being cried out to answer the call. I gave up marriage dreams. I gave up dreams of happy children calling me Mom. I figured I'd adopt some orphans from whatever land I went to. I had to go.

Little did I know what God had planned. As I sacrificed all for the sake of reaching the unreached, He blessed me in return. I went and at first, I was extremely lonely. "God, you sent them two by two in your Word, but here I am alone." I felt like Elijah, for he told me I was not alone. I was in a Muslim land and in that city their were no known churches or Christians. I prayed often to God, who brought a hungry soul to me. Before long she became a Christian and we together were the best of friend. Then I found another, who already knew him. She was older. We became like mother and daughter. Then I was moved to another city with a small church. That's where I met Him.

He was radically sold out to God. His passion, to win souls and live the Bible before those who did not know Christ. He also sought to build up the brethren to stand strong for Christ and grow closer to Him.
He had a close relationship with God and always talked about his blessed fellowship with the Holy Spirit, who was his teacher, helper and friend. This drew me to him because I felt the same way about the Holy Spirit. We talked and God knit our hearts together instantly. It was the beginning of a wonderful love.

Now He is my husband, my first and only love. We've been married six years, with three young kids. We've lived in four different countries and now, temporarily, back in the States. We've grown stronger through our trials. We've learned how to love each other. The way I receive love is different from the way he receives it. At first, we didn't know this, but experience and wisdom has shown us this. We study God's Word together and pray together every night. We learn more about each other and grow closer each day.

Our four young children sprinkle our home with salt, surprises, love and adventure. We've learned many a lesson through watching them. How wonderful, to know, when you give God your all. He gives you back His All. More then you could ever think, dream or imagine. Every day is a gift. Each person God has blessed us with is a gift, so precious. Our relationships are a precious gift. May we always Cherish them as we continue to fulfill God's call.

Erica Ndaguba is married to a wonderful Nigerian man and they have 4 wonderful kids. They've been married 7 years. She's lived 6 years on the mission field and returned to the States 4 years ago. She used to teach ESL but now she's a fulltime housewife and mother.

Article Source: WRITERS

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