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High Society Girls Need Down-To-Earth Fathers

by James Snyder  
6/22/2007 / Humor

As far as I am concerned, unless you are talking about the capital of France, I really do not want to hear the name Paris one more time. I think if I hear another news reporter talk about this young girl I might shoot my television set.

This week the news reports went something like this.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton arrested.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton before the judge.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton sentenced to jail.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton released from jail.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton arrested, again.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton before the judge, again.

NEWS ALERT ... Paris Hilton sentenced to jail, again.

This is news? Have all of the reporters in the United States gone looney? I know for many of them it would not have been a very long trip, and some would not have enough money for the return trip.

These reporters need to be careful because there is no statute of limitation for stupid.

Is this the best our sophisticated news media can do? Have they run out of legitimate story ideas?

What I want to know is when did the news media hire 10th grade boys to do their news reporting?

I cannot imagine sending my son or daughter to journalism school, pay the big bucks involved in that education and then have them end up doing stories about Paris Hilton (a socialite near-do-well). Personally, I would demand my money back.

When did silly, spoiled little girls become news worthy?

The only thing Paris ever did in life was select the right parents. Outside of that, she does not have anything.

Of course, a case could be made about the parents she picked. An old proverb says, "The nut does not fall far from the tree." If only we could identify those trees before the nuts fall, perhaps we could cut them down and make them into furniture.

This coming Sunday is Father's Day, which got me to thinking. Anything that gets me to thinking must be of paramount value.

What these high society girls need today are down-to-earth fathers.

I suppose we cannot lay all the blame on silly little girls who have no sense of decency or propriety. Obviously, they lack the influence of a good father. I do not know Paris' father personally, just what I see in the daughter he has raised. And by the look of things, she is far from being "raised." Raising cane does not count. Even he would be embarrassed.

I have a hard time believing any father worth his sweat would allow any daughter to grow up acting the way this little girl is acting. And I'm not insinuating that her "acting" deserves an Oscar. What it does deserve is a good old-fashioned hickory stick.

Instead of putting little Paris in prison, I think, if justice is to be served, her father needs to be put there instead. After all, I think it should be a crime not to teach your daughter good behavior.

And let's not forget her mother. How in the world can we forget her? But, I'm going to try.

Perhaps, and I'm only conjecturing, Mrs. Hilton has Mr. Hilton so wrapped around her finger that their daughter's are bent out of shape. All I can say is, a man without a backbone should never become a father.

It takes a man to be a father. And every little girl needs a father to help her grow up the way she should. And, if money is the issue here, I would gladly allow Mr. Hilton to borrow the paddle I used to help raise my girls. It was something I inherited from my father and he from his father.

Unfortunately, all Mr. Hilton inherited from his father was money, and you cannot raise a girl into a woman with only money.

Even in this sophisticated age, it takes a down-to-earth father to raise children. My father was so down-to-earth crabgrass grew between his toes. At least it looked like that.

My father did not have a lot of money. Evidently, the common rumor that money grows on trees is just that, a rumor. Often my father disavowed me of that rumor. "Son," he would solemnly say, "money don't grow on trees."

Another rumor my father warned me and my siblings of had to do with our eating habits.

"Kids," he warned us, "there ain't no such thing as a free lunch."

I have often regretted that latter one. I do so like to eat.

Reflecting back on my father, one of his favorite sayings came from the Bible. "Spare the rod, spoil the child."

My father, with the full support of my mother, was determined not to spare any rods in the raising of their children. There was a point in my life when I wondered what was going to wear out first, dad's rod or its oft target. It was a close race n and to this day I am not sure who won.

What I do know is simply this. Dad never stood for any foolishness from my direction. Not that there was not any foolishness there, because there was ... plenty. But that foolishness never got an upper hand thanks to dad's strong hand.

A down-to-earth father will heed the admonition in Ephesians 6:4, "And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."

Nurture and admonition both need a strong hand.

James L. Snyder is an award winning author and popular columnist living with his wife, Martha, in Ocala, Florida and can be contacted at [email protected].

Article Source: WRITERS

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