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by Dudley Anderson
3/14/2014 / Devotionals
trACker number482
The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track
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14 March 2014
Dear God-tracker
"Don't hold back!" These three words impacted me like a punch in the solar plexus. I was reading an email from a friend of mine whom I'd not seen in years. Bill had started out by wishing my family and me a happy Christmas for of 2005, but his sentiment had turned from Christmas greeting to prophetic utterance: "Be bold, don't hold back. God is giving you a gift of faith. Use it or lose it." At the time the Lord was leading us to plant a new church in our home town. I was most enthused by Bill's email as I sensed the Lord leading us into new things and commanding us to enlarge the place of our tent, stretch our tent curtains wide and not hold back. With zeal I embarked on a programme of extending God's kingdom, declaring with the prophet Jeremiah, "His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot."
Two years after we started out The Lord led us to unite with another small work to establish his purposes in our community. For several years we witnessed the growth of our new church as we saw many come to Christ and enjoy God's favour. However, I hasten to add with embarrassment that I have become complacent in my zeal to preach, pray and prophecy. Somehow I'm simply going through the ropes of church leadership, less the initial enthusiasm I enjoyed in the beginning. Sadly, I find myself holding back. When the Lord commands then we need to be consistent in our obedience.
God is doing a new and wonderful thing in your life, dear God Tracker. Your God is high and exalted. He is your Sovereign Majesty, his will is paramount; his character is supreme and his power unlimited. His plans for you are great and he will equip you by the zeal of the Holy Spirit to fulfil the plans he has for you. Today the Lord is filling you with a new found stamina to prophecy his word, lay hands on the sick and go be a witness to his authentic gospel. But it's not by your prowess that he will accomplish his plans for; it's by his powers that he will do so. So be bold and don't hold back! Praise his name in the face of the gods of this world and stand up for the integrity of biblical morals and principles in your community. You may think you're too weak to be this bold but it's only when you admit your weaknesses that God empowers you to be stout-hearted by his grace. And whatever you do, do not hold back by becoming complacent in your zeal to serve the Lord.
God-tracking is not holding back when God says go!
Keep your eyes on Jesus
It's all in the Book
Isaiah 42:8-9
Isaiah 54:1-5
Jeremiah 20:9
Zephaniah 4:6
Psalm 138:1-3
2 Corinthians 12:9
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Verse of the Week
Psalm 25:21
May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope is in you.
Quote of the Week A Sample of Dudley's Fave Quotes "If you intend to accomplish anything, if you mean not to labour in vain or spend your strength for nothing; you must take your side. There can be no halting between two opinions. You must coolly, firmly and irrevocably make your determination and resolve that the Lord is your God, and that you will serve him only." --- Timothy Dwight
Don't Give Up, Look Up! Look up and Fix Your Eyes on Jesus! I commit myself to you as you do a new thing in my life to help me fulfil your plans for me. I will not hold back
"O Lord my Majesty, forgive me for becoming complacent in my walk with you. I hear your word afresh to not hold back and to be bold and courageous for your word in this society I find myself. Lord, help me to stand up in integrity and boldly profess your word through words and deeds. Help me to be brave in the face of the devil's opposition, knowing that my battle is not against people but against satanic forces in heavenly realms. I commit myself to you as you do a new thing in my life to help me fulfil your plans for me. I will not hold back! Amen."
If you want more prayer then email [email protected]
What is trACker?
GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003.
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Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at
Article Source: WRITERS
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