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One man, one wife.

by Olawale Ogunsola  
3/16/2018 / Marriage

“No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate

The one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one

And despise the other.”   Mathew 6:24. New King James Version (NKJV).

     The quoted Holy Scriptures are words from the Master of the Universe Himself, Jesus Christ. They are words that hold forever. It is neither controversial nor debatable.

     Do you know that those words are also true in marital affairs? By God’s grand design, a woman is expected by design to meet the needs of a man. At best, the word of God declares that the Creator, God, saw all that He had made were “good”.

     Along the line when mankind began to increase in number, confusion came in. How? Instead of allowing God to choose a woman who will be a helper suitable for each man, “the son of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.” (Genesis 6:2).

     However, the confusion that set in notwithstanding, God’s grand design has not changed. It is important to note here that the expectation of the Creator remains the same about marriage. What is this? Malachi 2:15 states,

     “But did He not make them one,

      Having a remnant of the Spirit?

      And why One?

      He seeks godly offspring....” (a-d).

     A marriage ought to be contracted or entered into through the only door of love. The abode of love is the heart of man, and this cannot accommodate two or more persons, that is women, at the same time.

     Do you ask me “what of those men having more than one wife in the Holy Bible or in the present life?” My answer is “they only have many women possibly under their cover. Among those women one will be the man’s wife. If the man watches very well, he will identify her. The sad aspect of this matter is that a man may have many women bearing children for him but has no wife.”

     Now, let us examine the lives of these few people to bring out the truth of this matter. Jacob, who later became Israel gave birth to the twelve tribes of the nation, Israel. Four women bore him the twelve children, six from Leah, two from Rachel, two from Zilpah and two from Bitha. The last two were house maids to Leah and Rachel but the hot rivalry between these two originated their bearing children for Israel. Among them who was the wife? Who won the heart of Israel? It was Rachel!

     While Rachel was alive and after her death every member of Jacob’s household knew that she was Jacob’s heartthrob. He did not pretend nor fake it. All the children knew this truth. The other women were not ignorant as well. In the words of Judah to Joseph in the land of Egypt which confirm this, after many years of Rachel’s death.

     “Then your servant my father said to us, “You know that my wife bore me two sons...” Gen 44:27.

     Pause to answer this question, “who was the father of Judah, the speaker and other nine sons and Dinah, the lone daughter of Jacob?” That is the effect of love in the heart of a man.

     Do you know that the same holds for King David? He had many women but one is the only wife. Who can this be? The mother of King Solomon, Bathsheba. She was able to enter into the king’s heart that she became the mother of a wise king.

     Do not be amazed  to read here that the only wife the heart of king Solomon was the Shulamite with whom he wrote the song of love also known as the song of Solomon. Note the use of this phrase by the wife, the Shulamite, in question,

     “I am my beloved

      And his desire is toward me.” Song of Solomon 7:10.

     Can you see clearly that a woman is designed for a man’s heart  at a time. A wrong choice of partner, covetousness and many other factors are cause of polygamy. Watch! It may breed enmity within the family.

Stay blessed and prepared for the coming of the Lord.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

Article Source: WRITERS

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