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  1. JESUS is the Truth! by Tonja Taylor  
    People are looking for the Truth--because we are created to do so! Many things purport to be true, but only Jesus Christ the Savior and LORD of all IS the Truth!

  2. Jesus Released Us From Prison! by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ did much more than just bail us out--which is a temporary thing. He died once for all on the cross, for us to be eternally free!

  3. My Spirit Guide by Tonja Taylor  
    Most of us want guidance, sooner or later. Many people seek a "spirit guide" to help them. However, there is only One true Spirit Guide--and He is the Spirit of Jesus; the Spirit of God, Who lives inside us, "possessing" us as we allow Him, when we choose to believe in Christ Jesus' saving death for us on the cross over 2,000 years ago!

  4. JESUS is Inclusive! by Tonja Taylor  
    Yes, Jesus is inclusive--He shed His pure holy blood for every person, to forgive every person of their sin--even when we hated and mocked Him (John 3:16, Romans 5:5)! He is our Measure, our Standard. He is the Way, the Truth, the Life!

  5. How to Find the REAL Jesus by Tonja Taylor  
    What is Truth? Truth is Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God--the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). If you really want to find Him, you will!

  6. Thank God He Didn't Leave Me Alone! by Tonja Taylor  
    When I got the Easter card from a child-hood friend, I was so glad the LORD had not left me alone, but had continued to pursue me, woo me, change me!

  7. GOD Said It First: You're Preapproved! by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ the LORD, the holy Son of God, died a gruesome death on the cross--so you and I could have Heavenly life. We are preapproved!

  8. REAL SALVATION OR TRICKSTERSâ MUMBO JUMBO? How Sure Are You? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Perhaps, the forbidden Fruit ingested by Adam and Eve, just might have been an ancient, immensely advanced, precursor of Bill Gates mRNA injection, containing inheritable instructions to manâs own DNA matrix, to permanently alter motivation, perception and behavior, eventually, for all mankind.

  9. Jesus' Return is Good News--Or Is It? by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ The King is returning very soon, which is the most excellent news--unless you don't know Him! Will you be ready?

  10. Favor With the Living God! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD God of Heaven and earth has extended His Favor--His Grace, His Mercy, His no-strings-attached Love--to you today, through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. He offers you a new, wonderful, secure, and peaceful Life in Him. Won't you say "Yes!" today?!

  11. The Eternal God is Eternally Good! by Tonja Taylor  
    Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever! God is eternal--and eternally good! Are you ready to meet Him?

  12. JESUS IS HUMAN! by Tonja Taylor  
    If Jesus hadn't been born in a body, like the rest of us, He couldn't have taken our place on the cross. But because He did, we can be made holy and free from accusation!

  13. FATAL IDOLATRY? What Else Is Coming Down the Tube? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    ROME GRAFTED UPON EMERGING CHRISTIANITY a fatal IDOLATRY, they grafted ASHTORETH-MARY WITH TAMMUZ (the very center of Romeâs previous Pagan religion) and tried to hide the Bible now for 1700 years.

  14. Good News--God Remembers and Forgets! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD our God, Jehovah, Who knows everything about us--the good, the bad, the gray--chooses to forget our sins and remember His Covenant with us. He sees us through the Blood of Jesus; His children, siblings with Christ! Halllelujah!

  15. You Must Be Born of God to Overcome the World! by Tonja Taylor  
    "To overcome" means to get the victory--to win! Hallelujah! Jesus Christ our LORD and Savior has already beat the enemy and the world system, but you won't--if you don't have Him! You must be born again!

  16. The Plan by Tonja Taylor  
    You are not an accident, nor a drifter in this life. There is a God, and He is Love. There IS a Plan for you, and it's wonderful!

  17. Is Anyone Out There? by Tonja Taylor  
    You may feel all alone--no matter how many people you are around every day. Even in marriage and a crowded house, you can feel distant. But feelings can't be trusted to always tell you the truth!

  18. Is Your Name on The List? by Tonja Taylor  
    "The List" is much more than names of those who can get in to see a movie or an exclusive club, or have a reservation for a five-star restaurant. Your name must be on God's List--The Lamb's Book of Life--if you are truly going to go to Heaven when your body dies!

  19. From Sordid to Sacred by Tonja Taylor  
    Faith in the Blood of Jesus Christ is the only true way to go from sordid to sacred, hellish to holy, dirty to clean. And He makes it easy for all to be changed in a moment--that can last for eternity!

  20. Only Messianic Christianity Can Provide Salvation? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

  21. Approaching Apocalypse? by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Prophecy for near-future (Revelations) is far more frightful than any science fiction.
    The End in Sight?

  22. It's Easy to Become a Child of God! by Tonja Taylor  
    "Life is simple, unless you make it hard," the LORD told me a year or so ago. He is a good, good Father--and He makes it easy to receive and know Him from the beginning!

  23. Imposter Religions? How to Recognize a False Church? (3) by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    Chains of names, events and phenomena bind all the books of the Bible together.
    How can you be sure you are reading God's message?
    Because God personally signed every verse He wrote.
    Any verse without His signature is not from God.

  24. Imposter Religions? How to Recognize a False Church? (1) by Eugene Lopatynsky  
    God placed a mark, a signature, on EVERY ONE of His messages. There are at least three characteristics preserving every message. This article presents the FIRST.

    If Godâs Signature is missing in any message, it obviously means that the message is NOT from God. It is from man or Satan, or both. The greatest department that Satan has, is the department of Religions.

  25. Are You A Zombie? by Tonja Taylor  
    If you feel empty, and nothing satisfies, you're probably a zombie: a walking dead man. But here's how to fix that, and find NEW LIFE!

  26. Witnessing The Power of Speaking the Truth by mark baker  
    The purpose of this short study is not to be a definitive step by step guide to witnessing and sharing the Gospel as some kind of formula for success but rather to lay a foundation for personal knowledge and growth. Every Christian should have at least a basic knowledge of what the Scripture says about receiving Christ...

  27. He Sees and Pursues You! by Tonja Taylor  
    The LORD is always faithful to connect with those who want Him!

  28. God is Real and You Can Know Him! by Tonja Taylor  
    What is God? God is Love--the real love, that you are really looking for. He is eternal Love!

  29. What Did You Do With Grace I Gave You? by Anne O'Donnell  
    Facing God at the Judgment Seat

  30. All For Love! by Pamela Walck  
    Normal day, until I run into various people that I shared the Gospel with. Everyday the good Lord can use Christians to share Him, and what a blessing to co-labor with Jesus!


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