Construction Zones
by PamFord Davis

As I drive down a busy interstate I often see warning signs ahead: Construction, Reduce Speed, Merge Into Left Lane, Right Lane Ends in 1/4 Mile. Construction is such an annoying waste of our time! It slows us down, and makes our way too narrow. It is so frustrating!

It seems the highways are always under construction. Yes, I know they need repairs; but can't it happen when I am not on the highway? You know, kind of like having little elves mysteriously come and do all the work when nobody sees? So, alright, I am being ridiculous, just grip the wheel, slow down, be patient, follow the vehicle ahead of me. The construction is not forever. This work area will come to an end in just a short distance ahead.

I realize that I am just as frustrated and impatient about the construction zones in my life. Yes, there is construction being done within, below the surface of my life and yours. Why is this construction happening in me? Well, there are a lot of rough areas that need to be smoothed out. Bitterness has left some deep pot holes. Several storms in life have washed away large areas. It's easy to see that it would not take much to cause me to swerve out of control. I must admit there are also a lot of ruts, from doing things the same old way, right or wrong. That's the way those I followed did it. So, I just continued in their ruts. I can see the need for the road to be widened, so more can make their journey. There is no doubt, my life needs repair work!

Do I have a choice? Honestly, I say yes...and no! Yes, I can hand over the keys,say: "Go in, take control, do what construction is needed, take your time." Or, I can firmly reply,"No, I'm happy the way things are. I don't like change. It is not convenient. It slows me down." Then the construction will still be taking place, but at a much slower pace. The work will be done in and around my busy schedule. The work will be more tedious, more awkward.

How do I react to this work? Am I patient? Do I surrender to it? In spite of my hate and fear of change, I am thankful. I know I need change, corrections; and I know I can not do it myself. No matter how many times I make a resolution or turn over a new leaf,"I've gotta be ME", that is unless I am changed from within.

Who is in charge of this work? As you drive through construction areas on the highway you see signs: "Men At Work." In those construction zones within us, all work is done by Gods' Holy Spirit. He was there at work, in the creation of His world. Who better could re-create a life!? Men do influence us; but that is always by outward circumstances. Only God constructs from within.

One more sign usually seen in construction zones is a very welcome sight. It reads: "End Of Construction." We will not see the end of our personal construction, till we go to our final destination, home to be with The Lord.

So, the next time you enter a construction zone...relax! Let it be a reminder of all the work going on, at that very moment,in your life. Your journey finds you on the highway to heaven, the kings highway, "A Highway of Holiness." (Is.35:8a NAS)

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

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