Successful Marriage
by Bonita Brooks

You should always respect and appreciate one another.Love each other with soft words.When there are conflicts, solve the problem right away, so it will not give room for anger to build up later. It is very important for both partners to express how they feel.This will help strengthen the marriage.This is a part of good communication.Be sensitive to each other feelings.Accept each other differences.If we all thought alike, and behave alike in everything we do, this will be a boring world. You need to show your partner that he or she is important to you.Always continue to keep the bond strong.Love is unconditional.Sometimes loving your mate is a choice.Be sure to stay afffectionate.Be the best partner you can be.Rely on each other and not your parents. Stay attractive to each other,and take interest in each other desires.Pray for each other.It takes two to have a successful marriage.

Don't give up.

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