Beyond Fearless
by Ericka Jackson

There is a place beyond where most believers have been that God is trying to take you. This place is called Beyond Fearless. It is a place in Him where you take command of all things He has given to you and live out the calling He has put into you. You will be clean from the adversary and all things of this world. You will be ready to do His will.

There is a four step process that everyone who professes His name has to undergo in order to get to this place Beyond Fearless.

The steps are:

1. You must know Him and understand the power He has given you to wield. You must be reconnected with your Heavenly position and rank through Christ Jesus.

2. You must have a New and Clean Heart (Ez 36:24). You have to go through the process to clean anything that is not of God, and from your past, from your heart. This process removes any lingering unforgiveness, resentment, hurt, or emotional issues from your heart so it can be clear for God to use to speak to you.

3. You must have a Right Spirit (Psalm 51:10). You have to go through the process to remove any remaining unclean hindrances from the world. This includes each and every one of the stronghold spirits and their fruit.

4. You must walk in His full power with the full manifestation of all seven characteristics of God (Isaiah 11:2). You will then move in signs and wonders and the way of the Apostles. You will become the fruit of The Holy Spirit. You will complete the work that Jesus began and become an example of the greater works that Jesus calls everyone who believes in Him to do (John 14:10 14).

For the first time, Jesus has revealed the entire process to His people. If you are serious about God, you must be serious about living Beyond Fearless. This work makes you unstoppable in the things of God. The full process can be found in Ericka D. Jackson's new book, Beyond Fearless: How to Remove Every Hindrance From Your Life.

Visit for more information.

A note from the vessel (author) of this book: I did not write this book, God did. He told me what the title of the book would be, I did not choose it. God literally used me as a vessel to bring this work through. I was in prayer last Saturday morning and asking God to speak to me in relation to this book. The words I wrote in this article are the words God's Holy Spirit spoke to me to share with you. This book is not about me, it is about the work Jesus must do in the Body of Christ. In His Service, Ericka.

Evangelist Ericka D. Jackson is an Author and Christian Breakthrough Coach who assists believers in living God's vision for their lives with no fear or hindrances. For more information on her life's work, books, numerous CD's or to have her speak at your upcoming event, please visit

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