by Leo Holley

There are many individuals who read the Bible and may not really understand what is written within it boundaries, especially when it comes to Bible Prophecy. And because they may not understand, many may get confused and give up because they don't understand what is being talked about. Many may also speculate on what a specific scripture or passage may be trying reveal and this to can be confusing. It is not wrong to put a little thought of your own about what one may believe a specific scripture may be relating too, but be very careful not to twist the scripture around to try to make out of it what you, as an individual would like for it to mean. In Revelation for instance we are told that the Saint's will reign and rule with GOD on this Earth. But for someone to say they believe that the reign will be in Heaven is not a good speculation for that is not what GOD said. Earth is not in Heaven and according to Revelation; we will reign on this Earth for 1000 years with Him.


Because many believe the Bible is hard to understand and may they scratch their head and say to themselves, WHY? Why can't I understand what I read? I remember how I would sit and read for hours and really not understand a large part of what I would read. Oh, it felt good to know that I read a few Scriptures, but in many ways I did not understand what I read and because I did not comprehend, many things were not clear to my understanding. God is a revealing God, not a concealing God and He reveals through His Spirit only. But the Truth can be known for in Amos Ch. 3: verse 7; we can read where God said He would reveal His Secrets to His Servants, or that is to those who have His Spirit dwelling in them, helping and guiding them in understanding and knowledge. After one has received God's Spirit, then and only then can one began to understand Scripture and Bible Prophecy in ways they never have understood before. When that occurs the Bible becomes a whole new Book to them.

There is much revelation hidden in scripture and that revelation is ready to be revealed to those who have God's Holy Spirit and with His guidance and those who will be willing to search the Scriptures and find the HIDDEN GOLDEN NUGGETS WITHIN IT'S PAGES will come away with a wealth of knowledge. Yes, it does take a little effort on ones part to search the scriptures because one may have to go to various places in scripture in order to be able to understand some of what is being said. It is like a Jig Saw puzzle, putting apiece here and apiece there, and then it will begin to come together. Scriptures are like Gold, a few nuggets here and a few there, and then you have a wealth of knowledge beyond expectation.


When God created man, He had a plan for man which man did not understand. God did not, nor does He continue to create in a state of decay or disarray. From the beginning of time God had a plan and believe me, that plan is right on track. But before man can understand the plan that God has for him, man must first understand God and He purpose and that purpose is mind boggling.

I know that many will not agree with what is about to be stated here but it has to be addressed and hopefully one will began to understand. God, through the Bible has never used a MAJORITY in helping bring His good news and the news of His soon coming Kingdom of God here to this Earth. All through the Old and the New Testament God only used a selected HAND FULL in relating this message. All of those individuals had a big part in helping us understand God's complete Plan for man. Every man, woman and child were not called and chosen in the past years just as they are not now. Only a selected few were CALLED and used. In the time in which we now live, there are individuals who are being called and chosen as they were in the past and they are being used in helping do His work and in warning the people now. The same will hold true from now until Jesus Christ returns. But at a time in the FUTURE all individuals to who have not been called or chosen, will have the opportunity to do so. Let me repeat that. All individuals, no matter who it is, will have the opportunity to be in Gods KINGDOM.


Now enters a being called Lucifer. This being was once a beautiful creature, an Angel God used at and around His Powerful seat in Heaven. But Lucifer rebelled against God and was cast out of Heaven and 1/3 of the Angels who also rebelled went with Lucifer. Lucifer became known as Satan and the fallen angels became known as the demons. God tells man through His word that He has put before mankind two ways in which man could choose.

One way would lead to the way of death (eternal death) and the other a way of life (eternal life). So Satan enters the picture for the purpose of influencing man and man overcoming only by and through the help of God's Holy Spirit, a help mate. Our first parents, Adam and Eve never knew what sin was until they did what Satan coached them into doing. Of course, God was very upset because they had not chosen His way. Today we still have that same influence and the only way to overcome it is through God's Strength and His Holy Spirit. Without God's Holy Spirit man is incomplete and cannot make the right decisions without Him in their life.

There is a well kept secret in which Satan has not wanted the majority of the people of the United States to know or to understand and that is who they are and who their forefathers were and it is going to cause the destruction of a big portion of the population of our Nation because of it. I am not against the ministers of the Churches of today, but it is a sad thing that the Churches in our nation and the Ministers of those Churches are leading our people into a "Great Tribulation". The majority of the Ministers have no clue as to what is going to happen and are therefore not completely capable of warning the people as to the destruction ahead of our nation and this World. They give some information, but they are in the dark on the rest.

With the ability God has given me, I will now with God's Holy Spirit guiding me, explain why this is so. When I have finished I hope that you can comprehend what is going to happen to not only the United States but to the other Nation's as well and why it is going to happen.

To start our journey we need for you to take your Bible and go to Genesis Ch. 32: verses 24;, thou 30;.Please read it for you self and you will then understand what is being described here.


24; "So Jacob Was Left Alone, and a Man Wrestled With Him Till Daybreak,"

25; "When The Man ( one wrestling with Jacob ) Saw That He Could Not Overpower Him, He Touched The Socket Of Jacobs Hip So That his Hip Was Wrenched As He Wrestled With The Man".

26; "Then The Man Said, Let Me Go, For It Is Daybreak." But Jacob Replied, I Will Not Let You Go Unless You Bless Me".

27; "Then The Man Said, What Is Your Name? Jacob, He Answered.

28; "Then The Man Said, Your Name Will No Longer Be Jacob, But Israel, Because You Have Struggled With GOD And With Men And Have Overcome."

29; "Jacob Said, Please Tell Me Your Name." But He Replied, Why Do You Ask My Name? Then He Blessed Him (Jacob) there."

30; "So Jacob Called The Place Penile, Saying, It Is Because I Saw God Face To Face, And Yet My Life Was Spared."

This is a very important Prophecy for it reveals to who the United States and the British People are today. In the described passages of Scripture you see where Jacob had his name changed. But also notice who changed Jacob's name. For in verse 30; you will see that Jacob was wrestling with God. So God is the one who changed Jacob's name.

Now to continue in this awesome Prophecy we want to go to Genesis Ch 35 verses 10 & 11: Read it for your self. Notice again the name change from Jacob to Israel. Also notice something different. God tells Israel that he (Israel) would have a nation and a company of Nation's coming from, or that is coming out of his (Israel's) future ancestry. So in those scriptures we have another clue of two Specific nations' that would ascend from his seed.

Now to continue the Prophecy we will go to Genesis Ch 48: Verses 8 through 20:. Again read them for your self so you can understand. This final revelation will show you who we, the United States have become in these latter days and why it is important to us.

Closely notice how Joseph was taking his two Son's too his father, Israel, for Israel to pronounce God's blessings on the two lads. Israel was on his deathbed for he makes the statement that he did not expect to see his grandson's before his death. Now notice how, when Israel began the blessing of the two grandsons, how he put his hands, one on each head of the two boys.

But how he was accomplishing this was not going well with Joseph for you notice how Joseph was correcting his father because of the way the hands were being used in the blessing ceremony. Israel put his right hand on the younger lad and his left hand on the older lad. Now, the reason Joseph said something to his father was because the older of the two boys was in line to be blessed with the right hand. This was done because the older child was to get the greater or more abundant blessing, and the younger the blessing with the left hand denoted the lesser blessing. But Israel put his right hand on the younger and the left hand on the older lad. Now the boy's names were" Ephraim", the younger and "Manasseh" the older lad.

Notice how Joseph was trying to correct his father, Israel and how Israel told him that he knew what he was doing. He knew that the older son would become a Great Nation, but the younger son would become Greater than his older brother, and would become a great Company of Nation. This prophecy has come to pass and we, the United States have become part of that Prophecy.

We, the United States, have become Modern Day "Ephraim", "A Company Of Nations". We have just about every nationality there is on this earth living within the borders of the United States.

Our older brother, Manasseh, has become a "Great Single Nation" although scattered, still less than one flag. That is none other than "Great Britain".

So as the prophecy has shown and has come to pass, we are the most blessed two Nations on the face of God's earth today.

But keep in mind how Jacob's name was changed to Israel. That makes the people of the United States, Israelites, not Gentiles. A gentile is an unbeliever. Some of the gentile Nation's are Russia, Japan, China and many more. So we can now begin to understand why God is angry with us as a nation. And that is simply because we are not keeping his, God's Laws.


In 1 kings ch.12 you will be able to read where Rehoboam was King of the House Of Judah. Verse 23:. Notice how Jeroboam was King of the House of Israel. So just has there was in the days past, the House Of Judah and the House Of Israel existing together, so you have the same existing in our day. Israel in the Middle East is the House Of Judah, the United States and Britain are part of the so-called lost tribes of Israel. We are part of "The House of Israel", Not Gentiles.


How our identity was lost is very simple. Our forefathers became involved with the Roman, pagan religion. This continued down through time in the Catholic Church. The people lost all reality of who they really were. They became so engulfed in the mainstream religion of the Catholic Church that all of the past History had been lost.

But as time continued down through the History of man those within the Catholic Church began to rebel, or to "protest" against their Mother Church so they left her. So they became what are now known as The "Protestants", or that is, those who protested against their Mother Church, The Catholic Church. The name Protestants is still with them today.

But once they left their Mother Church, they took the same traditions which they had kept with their Mother Church and they continue to observe them to day. This is why God is angry at the churches for doing so, for they have lost all reality of who they really are, or ever were.

But there was a few scattered who did not forget who they were and they continued to keep God's laws and His ways. They never lost their identity. And as time continued the Prophecies of Genesis Ch. 32, 35 and 48 about Jacob and his name change came to pass.


As we now come to the time period in which we now live, God has become very angry with the people of the United States for following false ways and traditions of man. Because of the teachings of the Mother Church, the Catholic Church, and because those churches who call themselves "Protestant" when they came out of the Catholic Church, continued in the same false traditions of man and not the truth of God. As this is done they pronounced the coming destruction on our Nation from God because of them for doing so.

Yes, God is angry and Just as a loving parent would be angry with their child if that child had not followed the rules laid down by the parent, so God is now angry with our Nation for going astray from what His truth really is. And because of this we are now beginning to see the punishment in which God is unleashing on our Nation and around the World. And believe me, until we repent and turn whole hearted to God, He will not stop the punishments, which will be more destructive in nature.

God is a just and a good and loving God, but He will not tolerate His people living in filth and squalor. God will let his people indulge in this cesspool of falsehood for just so long and then He will intervene and began to take charge. God loves His children and He does not want to see them loose out in the end and be destroyed by the ways of this World. He will put His people through a fire of trials and punishment so they may have the opportunity to wake up and take notice before it is too late. He wants His people in His Kingdom and because He does, He will allow this punishment phase so they will have the opportunity to become His "Jewells" and to be able to see where they were wrong and then hopefully they will "repent".


Some ministers today have taught concepts about God and His laws that are not true. They have brought falsehood to the people about the Law of God being nailed to the Cross at Jesus death. And because they have, the ministers have installed false teachings in the Church. Jesus Christ tells us that not one jot, or that is, not one crossing of a "t", or not one "title", or dotting of an "i", would be taken from the Law until all things were fulfilled. Does God LIE? Does God change? God does not change, but man does.

Man, through his being influenced by the greatest Con Artist who has ever lived, Satan the devil, has been conned into believing all sorts of lies and therefore God's truth has been trampled like dirt. The only thing that was nailed to the cross at Christ's death was the tradition of "Sacrificing of Animals". This was done away because Jesus Christ was our True Sacrifice, and was sacrificed once and for all. The sacrificing of animals for the Atoning of ones sins was done away. That was what was nailed to the Cross-and nothing more.

God's Holy Days, His Holy time is still binding on us today. (See Lev. Ch. 23 :) All of God's laws are still binding on us to day as a Nation. Not one day in which man observes and calls it God's Holy time, such as Christmas, Easter, Halloween, and Sunday, have not been Sanctioned, or made Holy by God. Not one. Many have been duped into believing those lies. That is why God I angry?


I truly believe that God is now ushering in the beginning of the Seven Seals. Satan will soon usher in "THE GREAT TRIBULATION", God allowing it. As these things continue God will expect His people to watch and in doing so He will give them only a very short time to repent before they are cast into this "GREAT TRIBULATION". Time is coming when this World Government will present it's self as the final savior, the final way out for mankind. And mankind will accept it if they do not have God's Holy Spirit dwelling within them.

God help all of us to see that in a few shot months and years we will see events much worse than we have witnessed in the natural disasters we are now experiencing. Also this World system is bad to the core. Satan does not want to loose his power and he will do what he can to hold on to it. When our Nation is taken over by the "UNITED NATIONS", the "BEAST SYSTEM", then it may be too late for one to do anything about it.

There is much more that needs to be presented and needs to be understood. Men's hearts will began to fail them very soon. Men will commit suicide because of their financial woes. Children will continue to be lured into the depths of Satan's world through drugs and sex because the family will be taken out of the picture. This "Beast" system" mentioned in Revelation is real and it is in the beginning stages now.

If you are looking for this system to come in the near future then you have been deceived, for it is here. Most individuals do not want to hear what they may consider to be negative thoughts, And to hear some one talk about such things is hard for them to accept. The reason is, individuals live in their own little comfort zone, and if they believe someone may be trying to enter there "zone" and that someone may be trying to destroy it, they don't want to hear of it because it just might mean a complete change from the life style they have and they don't want that.

My name is Leo Holley. I have been a Christian for 36 years now. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He is the only way to obtain Eternal Life. I believe the United States is mentioned in Scripture and that many Prophecies describe our future.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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