The Ultimate Resolution that will take you beyond the realm of time
by christian Anianwu

A few weeks ago, men and women around the world were making resolutions. Some decided on what to start doing and what they will stop doing in the New Year vis--vis, the new decade. The sad truth is that many of them have done the same thing repeatedly, over the years, with mountain futility.
There is a resolution; a decision you can take that will change everything for you, for the better. Let us examine this issue with two short stories from the Scripture. First, the man Daniel and his colleagues. Nebuchadnezzar was not only a strong king but also a wise one. He took the best wherever he could find it. No wonder he became the king of kings - the king of the then known world. When he captured Israel, he took the most intelligent people he could find there and converted them to his army of servants.
In Daniel 1:3-4, we discover that many people of God were not only wise but also great scientists. The good thing is that in their acclaimed knowledge and wisdom, they did not lose touch with God. Daniel and his mates were slaves but the King did not mind. What mattered to him was to fish out the best wherever he could find them. Before they could serve the King, they had to undergo some training so that they could be more effective. The King wanted to tap their talents fully. It was during the training that the manner of people they were come to the fore.
The training was not to come easy. The king had to provide everything they needed and their food came from the king's ration. It was not mandatory but the best deserves the best. King Nebuchadnezzar knew this too well. By feeding them from the King's portion, it implies that they were mini kings but these were men that should be cutters of wood and fetchers of water. Notwithstanding, they turned down the King's offer. They did this because THEY HAD RESOLVED NOT TO DEFILL THEMSELVES. The King could not eat without presenting the food to his idols. This was an abomination to the slave boys and they had purposed in their hearts not to sin against God. It is important to note that the food that Daniel and his friends refused is what many people would be craving for. They saw themselves too high for it. The resolution not to defile themselves made the difference between them and the other people involve. Yet we should know that it was a great offense if that case had gone to the King that the slaves looked down on the King's food. However, they had made a resolution and they were ready to stand by it.
Many people would have said that it does not matter. Such a compromise is the bane of many would-have-been great men and women of God. At the end of the day, these men became great men in a hand where they should be slaves- they became mighty weapons in the hands of the Almighty God because THEY PURPOSED IN THEIR HEARTS NOT TO SIN AGAINST GOD. This is the resolution that will take you to your dream and beyond.
The second story is akin to the first. It is about the young man Joseph. Like the young men that we talked about in the book of Daniel, Joseph was also a slave boy. His case was a little different but the resolution was the same. The wife of Joseph's master had an eye for Joseph. She might have premised him heaven on earth to lie with her but there was a problem. Joseph had made a resolution - not to sin against the Lord.
Joseph might have explained himself to her. He might have said, "Look, Madam, I'm a different person. We live by a certain principle a certain code of conduct. There are things we cannot do, not because we do not like to do them, but because our God said we should not. We serve the God of heaven and earth and we have no option than to do what He says. We live by certain rules that we cannot compromise ." To the young women, those words did not mean a thing. While Joseph was seeing things from spiritual point of view, these views did not make sense to the young woman. On the other hand, the request of Potiphar's wife would have been a welcomed development to many people but not for Joseph. Permit me to say that she was not trying to persuade Joseph without some mouth-watering promises but he might have said, "No. I cannot do it. It is a sin against my God." This is the ultimate resolution that takes you above the realm of time and beyond everything you dreamt of. If you do not understand the depth of Joseph's resolution, go and read the story of Samson and Delilah. That will give you a nice picture of what Joseph might have gone through in the hands of his master's wife. In Samson's case, he had the chance to call the shots but Joseph had no ground upon which to stand. His only stand was on what God said. Even at that, nothing was spelt out in black and white.
The easiest way to lose your dream as a child of destiny is to compromise - to go against what your heart tells you are right, to sin against your God. Conversely, to establish your dream beyond the power of destruction is to resolve not to sin against God and stand by that resolution. Sure, it may cause you a few bruises or scratches but hold onto it.
We should note that what was at stake was not Joseph. It was his dream and his destiny. Joseph might have known this but his master's wife could note decode that. If Joseph had done what she was asking for, his story would have ended on a sad note because he would have 'sold his dream for apiece of trash - something that did not really matter.' First, because he took God's instructions for granted and second, because he looked down on his inheritance. Another great part of Joseph's story is that because of the resolution he made, he was able to actualize his dream. In addition, he got what his master's wife wanted to give him, free no charge. He was given one of the highest girls in the country, to be his wife the daughter of the Priest.
To stand and make it in God and to stand faithful before him at the end of the day is to resolve never to do whatever He said you should not do. Such decisions do not come on the spur of the moment. It is the decisions you took long ago that can help you push through when you are in the middle of a storm. The things you purposed not to do, by reason of who you are in God, can take you very far. Storms may come and go. Hurricanes may batter you shores but those decisions, the resolutions you made will hold you to the Rock from where you were hewn.
This is why it is a "crime" not to shout it from the altars, what God does not want His people to do. On the other hand, it is a dereliction of duty for parents and elders not to tell the children what God hates, calling the sins by name. That helps the children resolve within them what to do at any point in time. This can help them take decisions about them before they find themselves in the center of a tempting situation. They are never too young to hear "Thus says the Lord." Yea, telling them is not often enough. Keep reminding them of who they are because it can help them realize their dreams in God and we know that His plans for us is more than we can imagine if we do not destroy them by the choices we make. This is critical because the choices you make depend largely on the resolutions you made.
With all the distractions around us in high and low places - on television, in moves, on the internet, in the streets, at workplaces, at school, from peer groups, names it; we cannot neglect the need to make resolutions. We must resolve on what to say yes to and what to say no to. You must draw the line before you get there or you will slip past it - before you know it. In I Peter 2: 9 10, the scripture calls you awesome names not because of who you are but because of the things you have resolved to do, the things you have decided not to do and because of your relationship with the Lord through Jesus Christ.
The good news is that the spirit of the Lord is always there to see you through. John 1:17 tells us that as many as receive him, gave He power to become the children of God. You have the power to carry out your resolutions. If the Rechabites (Jeremiah 35:1-16) could do what their father said, we can do better than they did. If Joseph, Daniel and his mates were able to do exploits by obeying the law under the old covenant, how much more shall we excel in the new. The greatest news about resolving to walk with God, to obey Him, is that your victory is assured even before the battle starts and we know that Truth is known by her children.
Allow me end with this personal story. Some time ago, I went to borrow some CDs from the library. The librarian is one of these people that are too hard to please. She was very close to being fastidious. Well, maybe, her job calls for it. She takes her time to put the records straight. On this day, something happened. When I returned the CDs, she simple took them from the table where I placed them and put them back on the shelves. I was surprised because I had braised myself for the long time she was going to take to record them and the questions that would come after the scrutiny. When she took them straight to the shelves, I could not help asking her why she did not record them properly. What she said shook me to my root. She simple said, "I know you."
The truth is that I did not know her quit well. If anyone could know me in that library, I did not include her in the least because she did not seem to have time to look at anyone's face. I thanked her and walked out. If she were looking at me, she would have discovered that I was trembling. I stood at the door for some time. It was a lesson of a lifetime. I never knew that she was watching me.
God did say to someone in the scripture, "I know him. He will bring up his children in the fear of the Lord." Yea, to Satan, God said, "Have you tried my servant, Job?" These and more were people that God knew. Does He know you that much? They were not special people but they did make some resolutions that brought them direct to "God's field of vision." You can make God see you that way or more by the resolutions you make today. Resolve never to do it because God said you should not. Decide to do it simply because He says you should. Many times, it may not make sense. Other times, it may be the status quo but for whom you are in Him and for His great plans for you, hold on to your resolution.

By Anianwu Obinna Christian

Your Hidden Treasure, God's will for you
Your family triangle
Leadership, Essentials for Godly leaders
The Earth sits on a time bomb
The music of the mind
Children's book animal world series etc.

Anianwu Obinna Christian
C/o Anianwu Ikenna William
3318 Tienmann Avenue
NY 10469

Email: [email protected]

I am a teacher. I am married and I have some children. I have written a few books but most of them are not yet published. I hold a Masters degree. 

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