David and Goliath: Who Won?
by Dr. Kim Bloomer

"As I watch the number of common-sense animal lovers growing, and becoming stronger as they face new laws about their pets, I am
reminded that love can't be stopped by laws, or by people who don't understand its power. Even the smallest mother dog fights with the
force of a tiger when standing up for what she loves. Many a giant has discovered this as he is falling." (Ron Hevener - Author, "High Stakes" - www.RonHevener.com)

I've been thinking a lot lately about all the anti-pet legislation happening across the nation. Many people might think these new bills and ordinances are pro-animal, pro-pet but everything is not as it appears on the surface. Ponder these things:

Control the land and the animals then you control the people.
Determine ALL breeders to be puppy mill criminals so no animals are bred
Teach school children it's inhumane to eat meat
Teach college students they're "hip and educated" if they're vegan
Kill babies it's your choice and right; don't kill animals UNLESS you're "freeing" them from a life of tortuous enslavement by humans
Determine kind people to be animal guardians and cruel people to be pet owners

The beat goes onand on and on and on.

Bills and all kinds of legislation are before every senate in every state in the nation with a large majority having to do with animals. Such a big Goliath: animal rights groups, government, lobbyists, world power money brokers lions, and tigers and bears, OH MY! But who won between David and Goliath? David did, because he understood the true Source of real power in the grand scheme of things.

For every Breed Specific Legislation, Mandatory Spay/Neuter, anti-pet owner, anti-breeder, anti-pet bill or ordinance we haggle, fight, and wear ourselves out over, there are twenty more to take their place to keep us so busy, tired, distracted and depleted that we don't notice the methodical takeover of: our pets, our land, our businesses, our freedoms. These distractions serve to keep us focused on the problem or what I refer to as the "darkness" rather than the solution which I refer to always as "the Light".

What comes to mind is the movie "The Matrix". No one knew they were in a Matrix run by machines soaking up their life force while they slept in ignorant oblivion as the Matrix used them until they died. Those who chose to wake up out of it and DO something were overwhelmed UNTIL they learned how to fight back. They learned to use the Matrix against itself. It's time for us to wake up out of the machine and realize just what is going on around us. Those of us who are awake and in the fight are reacting in fear rather than responding in faith and trust of our true Source of Power and Light - Jesus Christ. We're trying to fight Goliath all wrong.

David (to eventually become King David) was a small, young sheep herder with five rocks and a slingshot. Goliath was a giant of a man standing over 9 feet tall, big, strong, muscular wielding a huge sword exactly how I see our fight to protect our freedoms to own our animals, our land, our businesses, our Americanism. Fighting the power of our modern day Goliath seems daunting and overwhelming at times but it's because we keep forgetting to turn on the Light of Jesus.

David didn't kill Goliath with the rocks. He hit Goliath square in the head with ONE rock and knocked him out. THEN he walked over and took out Goliath's sword and cut off his head with his own sword. David ended that war but he did not trust in his own power, he had the Light on behind him the whole time so he saw the situation clearly. The magical thing is David never doubted that he would win. He never even gave it a second thought. He didn't focus on the problem but recognized and implemented the solution even as the armies on both sides and Goliath laughed at and ridiculed him. We're all so worried about being politically correct but our opposition has never been worried about that and neither should we.

There are a lot more pet owners, breeders, animal lovers out there who are just uninformed. Rather than engaging a group of bullies in a fight, we can turn and face the crowd and engage them in the battle. Allow them to know the truth of what is going on in the fight for our animals and our freedoms.

Shine up our rocks, grab our slingshots and let's take care of Goliathbut remember where the Source of ALL power really lies.

Kim Bloomer is a natural pet care educator, professional lecturer, host of the online radio show Animal Talk Naturally and a proficient blogger and writer on natural pet health. Kim is also co-author of the book Whole Health for Happy Dogs and a member of the American Veterinary Naturopathic Assoc.

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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