by S Mariah

About 'Reconciliation', we all have different point of views about thing like this one. 'Reconciliation' - we have learned that ourselves as we are being reconciled, made right with God by the Blood of Jesus, we ourselves know what is 'reconciliation' or 'being made right with God'.

'Reconciliation' is a hard thing to discuss, we see lots of peoples getting divorced these days though they are Christians. Yet, many of us have our own stories that we as individuals cannot comprehend the complexity of life and relationship. It is hard to determine which side is right and wrong, maybe both sides have wronged one another and ended up a divorce as the result.

I believe the Bible has said it clearly, God put two together and let no men separate them. Whether you feel like you have picked the wrong person for marriage, God knew that before you act....why? Before the world began, God knew us.....and if we truly believe just this verse, we can also believe God won't miss you out on your personal journey or in your marriage, He knew when things went wrong....

'Reconciliation' take both parties to participate. Either one is missing, nothing would work. Just like Jesus, if Jesus did not walk in God's plan, be in agreement with His plan, then He wouldn't end up suffering on the Cross for us, and we wouldn't have a mediator to reconcile us to God Himself.

It takes God and Jesus together for the 'reconciliation' to get done.

'Reconciliation' is hard, imagine how hard for our Jesus to die on the Cross for is hard for us to swallow up our pride or even not to think of how we actually feel and think, but just to 'forgive', just to 'pardon' those who have hurt our feelings, just to go over and say, 'let's get back together by God's strength for us.'

Bystanders would always think it's an easy thing to do.....but only the 'doers' would find it hard.

I think the most sensible way to deal with that, is to pray for God's will to be done, if God did touch our hearts for reconciliation with those who have hurt us, maybe we should take it on board and just do it accordingly as to honor God. When we honor God in such a way, we can be sure of God's blessings pouring over our ways. God will honor those who honor Him.

Don't harden your heart if you hear God's voice, act in obedience to Him and He will honor your action....and help you.

S. Mariah - passionate about the sexually-broken. 
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