A Miracle Made From Mud
by Shirley Carr Have you ever wondered about the brilliancy of God? Have you ever wondered how a great and majestic God could make flowers that bloom, a skyline that radiates the moonlight and the sunlight, or even us how God could create us? We have to conclude that only God could do such things. In a world where we have become so logical, God continues to fascinate and astonish the wise. Only God could create such valuable elements that enable us to live and breathe. In the beginning when God created man he formed us from the dust of the Earth and something has to be said about the element that God created man from. God created man from dust of the ground and God breathed the breath of life into the man and the man became a living creature. Something has to be said about when God starts to move and starts to develop us in our own lives. We hear the saying, "It's for God's Glory." Nevertheless, how many time have we ever stop to think about the Glory of God (i.e the Energy of God). It is amazing that when God begins to move he moves through the very elements that he created. In John 9, we are introduced to a man born blind. Something has to be said about being blind. Blindness is the condition of lacking visual perception due to psychological or neurological factors. At some point in our lives each of us have been blind. Each of us have encountered conditions where our vision has been blurred. Blurred by the events in our lives that have had an impact on our ability to see clear. Consider having to battle through relationship woes, employment stress, financial difficulties, family drama, or even health issues. These conditions will leave your vision blurred. At this point we have to be careful that when we are in a state of blindness that we not surround ourselves by people giving the wrong diagnosis. I am grateful that the gentleman in John 9 encountered someone who knew the beginning and end of how to handle being blind. In John 9: 1-12, Jesus' disciples question him on who sinned. We have to be careful that when we see someone who is blind that we not look at the WHY but the WHO, WHAT, AND HOW. We need to look for WHO (only God)? WHAT can be done (Miracle)? How is God going to do it (extraordinary means)? One of the things I love about Jesus is that after He speaks there is an action. Remember, when God speaks there is always and action! Jesus speaks to the disciples and he tell the disciples thisJesus says, "Neither the man nor his parents sinned.but that the WORKS OF GOD should be revealed IN him!" Whenever we encounter blindness, know that the works of God are doing a revealing IN us that will manifest OUT of us! What happens next? Jesus spits on the ground and made some mud. The bible says that Jesus made clay with the saliva! Just, when we thought we were in a dirty situation- who knew Jesus was just making us HIS CLAY! Go Jesus! The next thing Jesus' does is anoint the eyes of the blind man. Consider this the very mud was God's way of transferring his enabling power to heal the eyes of the blind man. Everything we have been through is God's way of transferring His power to us and enabling us to see! Now don't miss this because the man isn't able to see until he follows the instructions that Jesus gives him. Jesus tells the man to go wash in the pool of Siloam also known as Pool of Shelah ( must read Nehemiah 3:15) and the waters of Shiloah (must read Isaiah 8:6). You have to remember that the word Siloam means sent. In other words Jesus heals the man and tells him go get cleaned from the place that was broken and go get cleaned from the place where we rejected the word of God. How many times in our own lives has God had to send us to be cleaned from those broken areas of our lives and those places where we rejected his word? How many times have we rejected what God has said only to find out that it was in being cleaned from it that we would have our vision restored? We have to call on Jesus and ask for his help to rid us and clean us from the areas of brokenness that causes our vision to be blurry. We have to call on Jesus and ask for help to expose the areas where we have rejected him. Once we do this, He can restore our vision. It is not an easy process, but it is necessary. Yes, like us the blind man received healing. Don't get discouraged because some people may not understand your healing. It is interesting because the very ones who studied the law did not even understand nor did they believe the man's healing! The man's own parents did not even speak up for him. As the chapter concludes in John 9: 35-41, I find it amazing that the our healing process will expose who people really are. It is strangely enough that the ones who claimed to see didn't. We must not be hindered by what people are saying we have to remember to do the one thing that the man who had been blind did, it is located in John 9:38. The man said Lord, I believe, and worshipped the Lord! Whatever happens, show God how much you appreciate him and worship him. Father, we thank you for healing us from those broken areas of our lives and the areas where we rejected you. Father, thank you for sending us to be examples of your glory. Father thank you that through us your love and healing power will be evident and someone will know that you are able to heal brokenness and the areas where we rejected you. Father thank you for sending Jesus to demonstrate who you are to us. MAJESTY, KING OF AUTHORITY, BE GLORIFIED! 2010 EVEidenz EVEidenz, copyright Pen You In Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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