'' The Price Of Love''
by willie mikell

When we considre the facts, is there anything we are willing to give our all for. People are donating their organ to help save a life. Man that is awesome, it may give that person another chance at life, which is great.

What happened to bring a person to such a conclusion?. they wanted to make a difference in someones life. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see a life of service, and giving. Maybe it's easy to die for a good man, and for someone worthy we may be prepared to die.'' GOD'' proved our worthyness and his love, by sending his son Jesus to die for us, even while we wre still sinners. It wasn't lip service he acted, ''GOD'' so loved the world he sent his only begotten son, so that everyone that belives on him may not be lost but saved.

''GOD'S'' love produced the act of giving John 3v16: In Genesis The Bible says every seed produces after it's own kind, Jesus is the seed that continues to produce a new life for all who will confess, and believe in him by faith.

''GOD'S'' love produced purpose II Corinthians 5v19: Because sin had and still is separating man from GOD, JESUS was sent to reconcile the world unto himself, because he was in Christ.

'' GOD'S'' love produced fulfillment John10v10: The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus say's I come that you might have life and that life more abundantly. I John 3v8: Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, so we can have and live the abundant life, know this he is not going without a fight. But in Christ Jesus we are moer than conquerors. AMEN

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Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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