Bestselling authors advice for the aspiring writer
by Marie Grossett Most people like to read about how successful people made it in their chosen profession and the advice they give to the 'up and comings.' I assume you're no different! you too like to read your favourite authors life story and the counsel they give for you. Since you like to do this I've rustled up guidance from three bestselling and award winning authors that I have interviewed, to give you statements of encouragement. The question I asked them was, 'What advice would you give to aspiring authors who want to make it in the industry?' Debora M. Coty who has written books such as 'Too blessed to be stressed' and is an award winner of over 100 internationally published articles and ten inspirational books says:- "I'd share a quote given to me by a dear friend Sherill, who was dying of brain tumour "Work to become, not to acquire" (Elbert Hubbard, American writer, 1856-1915). Everyone encounters that "Spinning your wheels" rut at some point in building their careers. The important thing for writers is to just keep pedalling honing your craft, polishing your technique, learning, learning, always learning. You have to believe that one day soon your spinning tire will finally grip and propel you back up on the road again. I liken preserving to jockeys who encounter horse poo as an occupational hazard. They simply step over the piles, wipe the nasty off their boots, and keep moving forward." Judy Baer who has written books Mending Her Heart and Sleeping Beauty says:- "I'm self taught since I didn't know any writers when I started and the big writers' organizations had not yet begun. I read about writing, I read books that were of the type I thought my books would be. I took classes. I poured over Writer's Market-- and I wrote and wrote and wrote. I compared my prose to that of really big name writers and tried to see what techniques they'd used to make their stories compelling. I think motivation, determination and refining the craft can do a lot for the aspiring writer. Of course you should always read. Frankly, I listen to books on tape now rather than read anything but non-fiction because I find myself analysing iteither thinking of how it could be improved or wishing I'd been clever enough to write like that!" Fiction writer Tricia Goyer who is the author of 30 books and has over 500 articles published in national publications such as Focus on the Family, Today's Christian Woman and HomeLife Magazine says:- "Attend a writer's conference. What you learn, who you meet, and your view of the industry is worth the cost! Write! So many people want to be writers but they never get words on paper. Write about everything you think of...that's how you'll discover your passion, style and voice. Follow authors/agents/editors on Twitter/Facebook/or their blogs. You'll learn so much! I can be found at or" So get your post it note out write down what statement encouraged you the most and stick it on your computer, so next time you go and write you will have the self belief that you will make it. Marie Grossett aka Vanessa Grossett is a published Author, and has interviewed best selling and award winning Christian Authors. She is a Literary Agent at The Authors Care Services ltd. Article Source: |
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