The Unfinished Manuscript
by Marie Grossett

'How is your story going?' I asked a friend recently who was writing a children's book.

'Oh I haven't written anything in weeks I just haven't had the time, I've got so many ideas as well.'

It is estimated that almost 75% of aspiring authors have incomplete manuscripts, now that is huge. Do you know what the most common reason is? Yes you've guessed it time.
Because of this they have missed out on achieving their dreams of becoming a successful author and are stuck in an unfulfilled job still hoping to get out of the rut.

Are you going to be in the 75% and let time be your 'enemy' or are you going to use time wisely by completing your manuscript to become the full time bestselling author that you ought to be.
I get sad when I hear of talented people wasting their gifts doing something they are not passionate about.

What we have to remember is everything in life requires balance. You don't have to allow time to be your 'enemy' it can be your 'best friend.'
When we allow ourselves to get unbalanced opportunities are missed, and some of us are at a point in our lives where we are getting frustrated with work, family etc...

But it doesn't have to carry on like this you can make a change right now!

"It's easier said than done," you may be thinking.
But it can be done and not just said I'm a living proof to this. Without boring you with my personal life, I do have a household to run as well as manage a company, plus my church life.

So if you think you're alone with busyness believe me you're not. Want to know what I do to balance my time?

I write down a list of things that I want to accomplish per day with a time on how much I am going to spend on each task. This really helps me to achieve the balance that I need to.

There is twenty four hours in a day and other than going to work or staying at home doing domestics you want to also use your time wisely by pursuing your destiny.

If you want to become a full time bestselling author why not set yourself a task to do a chapter or a page a day if you are working. You don't need to do it after the children have gone to bed, you can write on your way to or after work. You can even write during your lunch break. If you're at home set yourself a time to take a break from the domestics to focus on that manuscript.

Don't go wasting your destiny set out your goals and achievements. Do yourself a favour no more excuses into why you don't achieve just get your balance right.

Marie Grossett aka Vanessa Grossett is a published Author, and has interviewed best selling and award winning Christian Authors.

She is a Literary Agent at The Authors Care Services ltd.

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