by Lupie Riley

As we look back on this past year visions of fierce storms come into view. Earthquakes, tornadoes, wars, murder and disease dominated the headlines in 2012. It's been a dark year and thousands yearn for some calm and a ray of sunshine. The New Year also looks foreboding with a failing economy, war's and natural disasters. What do we make of it? Could the world be nearing the end of this age? Who do we turn to for answers and who will give us the truth? We can't trust the media because they tell us what they want us to hear and give us only half-truths. We can't trust some of the professionals because they have their own problems and questions they cannot answer. We can't trust half the clergy because so many of them have their own agenda and doctrinal interpretations. We can't trust some family members because a good percentage are splintered and dysfunctional. Who can we trust?

As a born again Christian I found the only source of truth is found in a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He is the one who claims to be our Creator and Savior, the great "I AM", Alpha and Omega with no beginning or end, Col. 1:15-19, Rev. 1:8-9, John 1:1-5, I Tim. 1:17. Truth is also found in His Word. If we don't believe the Word then believe his miracles...his deeds. There has never been a spiritual leader that has lived since the beginning of time that can duplicate Jesus miracles.

Not one person ever born came into the world with a lifetime contract. None of us have any guarantees that we will live out a long life. Since the 1970's over 50,000,000 babies have been taken through abortion that never had the chance to find out what life on the outside was like. Some pass on in their 20's, 30's, 40's and most recently with the school shooting, in their elementary years. How then should we live our lives?

I choose to live it "one day at a time" trusting in the One who made all there is and by the power of His Word keeps it all in place. He is Truth and his Truth shall set us free I John 5-6, John 8:32. This freedom from the darkness of sin brings us out into His kingdom of Light and makes us acceptable in His site by the forgiveness of our many sins. Along with this acquittal comes a home in Heaven that He is preparing even now for all those that are his. He gives Hope to all believers for a better future. We need not fear if the world begins to crumble around us because we have our trust and eyes on Jesus. I Tim. 1:7" He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind." I choose not only to believe in the miracles he performed but in the Words he spoke. We have His promise that in the near future He will return to set up His kingdom and reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Every eye shall see Him and knee will bend confessing that He is Lord. What better future could we have then to live as Royalty because we are part of his family? Start the New Year off by placing your faith in the One who is Truth incarnate, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God Bless

Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats.  I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years.  Working on a book at the present.  My priorities are God first, family, country. Look me up on Google search by my name Lupie Riley, click on first link.

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