by Godwin Luba Life means different things to different people and this meaning also determines the perceptions they have about life. To some, life is a scientific evolution, to others it is an issue that begin and ends here on earth. Yet to another, life is all about fame, high profile, career, power, positions, and immense material possessions.These are all wrong perceptions of life. That life is a result or a product of scientific cum biological evolution is not only a vain scientific babbling; but also a serious satanic deception. If life begin and ends here on earth then Jesus wouldn't have said that in his father's house are many mansions and he is going to prepare a place for true believers, to come back and take them so that where he is they would also be(John 14:1-4). Life is not all about abundance of one's possession(Luke 12 : 15 ). It does not not consist of fame, power, influence etc. Life is of God. Its emanates from God. It is linked to God, who is the giver of life. God has given this life to man and this life is in his son Jesus Christ. Therefore he who has the son has life and he who has not the son has not life ( 1 John 5 :11-12 ). Friend, the life you seek in science, on Earth in material possessions and fame is only found in Christ Jesus. God's gift of eternal life is in him. Locate Christ today and have life. Otherwise though you are alive, you don't have real life because a life without Christ is under the whims and caprices of the devil who can destroy it at any time. Receive Jesus today and have life. Trained as a journalist at the London School of Journalism London - UK. Holds a Diploma ( with Distinction ) in Journalism and Newswriting. Practice journalism as a freelancer. Also a creative writer. Here is a link to my blog - godycreative.blogspot.com Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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