by PamFord Davis It is easy to see why hindsight is more common than foresight. Looking back, we can see God's hand in our circumstances; in looking ahead, we are not so sure. It's true that I tend to lag behind in fulfilling God's call upon my life; yet, at times I try to pass Him on my journey. Recently, I contemplated the familiar story of Jesus worshipful temple experience at the tender age of twelve. (Luke 2:41-52). I have empathized with His mother Mary and Joseph, (His earthly father). They frantically searched for Him among family and friends on the return trip home. They were unable to locate Him, so they high tailed it back to Jerusalem. Finally finding Him in the temple, Mary sternly rebuked Him for causing them so much worry. He did not apologize; instead, He said they should have realized He would be there. In hindsight, Mary would agree. I wonder. Were Mary and Joseph too anxious to go home? Perhaps, if they were patient, both could have accompanied Jesus to the temple, and listened to His astute questions and answers. Instead, they had to make a U-turn, and heard little of His conversing. Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word. http://www.pamforddavis.com http://www.faithwriters.com/member-profile.php? Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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