Who Makes a Great Writing Mentor?
by Bob Valleau

Writing mentors are important and can be a profound influence in the success of your writing adventure. Can you recall, from your past, who believed in your writing ability and influenced your life as a writer?

For me, there were many: my high school journalism teacher, who seemed to give me endless writing assignments for the features section of our school paper; my college creative writing teacher, who challenged me with impromptu writing exercises; a magazine editor, who liked my writing style and sent me on my first article interview for publication; and, finally, a Christian marketing manager whom, to this day, I consider to be the finest writing mentors I've ever had.

What made my Christian marketing manager my best writing mentor? He not only gave me writing assignments, but he gave me constructive feedback and patiently worked with me every step of the way until I produced what he envisioned conceptually. But, he didn't stop there. He also affirmed me as an individual, respected me as a person and honored me as a fellow writer.

A great writing mentor takes more than just teaching someone else how to write well. It takes mutual respect and understanding while exploring another person's potential for growth in every aspect of their life.

Bob Valleau has over 30 years of writing experience for the Christian market. He was once named Christian Writer of the Year (San Antonio, Texas) by the American Christian Writers Association. He is the author of four books. 

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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