The Human Machine
by Olawale Ogunsola

A machine consists of highly engineered collection of complex components. Each machine has its own lifespan and longevity characterstics.
So is every man because he consists of thrillion cells working together.
Early last year, a friend took his car to an automobile Engineer's shop for some repairs. The auto gave him some troubles few days before. The engineer placed a device on the car and invited him to watch what it showed. What was it? Zero! Zero! Zero!
"You can see it yourself. This car should not be on the road any longer. It has expired. It remained until now because you were serious with its maintenance. You need a new car!" The Engineer authoritatively said taking away the device and returning it into his store.
That was the first time my friend heard that a car expires.
As every machine requires a very serious maintenance , so is every man. Many people are not taking proper care of their own human machine as they do to their cars.
Every manufacturer has an expected lifespan for a product but a right maintenance attitude can prolong the expiry date.
In Genesis chapter five a brief table like this emerged from the lives of the first eight men recorded in the bible.
1. Adam 130 930
2. Seth 105 912
3. Enos 90 905
4. Cainan 70 910
5. Mahalalel 65 895
6. Jared 187 969
7. Enoch 65 365
8. Methuselah187 969 This small table speaks volumes. To avoid any needless controversy, I will state in summary that activities affected the lifespan of these men, like any other machine.
Later in Genesis chapter six, confusion in human activities set in. It become uncontrollable that the creator of man placed an expiry date on His product created in His own image and likeness thus,
"My spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days will be a hundred and twenty years. " Gen 6;3 a-c. NIV.
Since that time, it became very rare for man to go beyond the God's planned expiry date (time). It is even become harder to attain it; this was due to wrong and overuse of the human machine.
A great man of God, Moses, attained the recommended lifespan but made a thoughtful observation or experiential recommendation in Psalm 90;10,
"The length of our days is seventy years-
or eighty, if we have the strength; yet their span
is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass,
and we fly away" NIV.
Therefore, let us briefly consider Ten Secrets of Longevity.
1. Be renewed in the spirit. This is like a regular oil changes of a car.
2. Be careful of the words you take to (the) heart. This takes after monitoring the key Fluids.
3. Maintain a closer relationship with your creator through Jesus
4. Change your negative thoughts, words and deeds.
5. Put on the whole armour of God.
6a. Maintain holiness (Watch and pray)
6b. Watch what you eat and eat right.
7. Radiate in the joy and glory of the Lord. Praise and worship Him
8. Separate from all friends and companions that can deduct from your lifespan. Don't be a friend fools. Move with the wise.
9. Know and use your maintenance or life manual --- The Holy Bible
10. Live with habits that don't take years off your lifespan.
These and other secrets not withstanding, you must not forget this truth " But when a man dies, all vigor leaves him;
when man expires, where then is he?" New American Bible.

" But man dies and lies prostrate. Man expires, and where it he?" New American standard Bible.
The number of years you spend cannot prevent you from expiring at an appoint time. That is why as from now, you must allow the Lord to teach you how to number (count) your days that you may gain a heart of wisdom.
Do you know what? You are being replaced already as children are born daily. Your vacuum is being filed already. You will understand this better if you have been blessed with a child who resemble you in everything. This is replacement by fruitfulness and multiplication.
Whether you know your expiry date or not, the truth is "... Be prepared to meet your God,..." anything. Amps 12;12c.

The Author is the set man of CTFM(WORLD OUTREACH)and Presiding Pastor of Christ Restland Gospel Church.He is a Poet and author of many books. Visit his blogsites and for more quality contents.

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