Ode to the Worms
by jack Doepke

I remember chuckling over the expression on Sue Brandmire's face as she listened to K. C. O'Keefe describe the eating customs of the Peruvians to us while we were standing in line for lunch. He had just returned from teaching in a little mountain town high in the jungles of Peru. He was telling us about the way the tribal boys would get excited when a certain one-inch black ant colony swarmed. The eager children would scoop the ants into bags, and then take them home. The next day the ants were brought back salted and fried. "Kind of taste like peanuts," he said matter of fact. Her face grimaced even further as he told us of the live larvae he had to eat to show acceptance to the tribe. "It was custom," he said, "to wash it down with saliva /fermented yucca plant concoction they called 'YUK'". Sue's look was easily interpreted- "No way would I swallow a live, wiggling, maggot, even if it meant insulting them!"

Just as different cultures have different customs and mores, so do different families. As Christians we are referred to the body of Christ a family united in Him but we are group as diverse as they come when it comes to our tastes in food, music and even politics. We are all unique (author's emphasis) individuals, created and endowed by God to be different different in likes, dislikes, mannerisms and customs, but at the same time we are single minded in our values and commitments to what is righteous and holy. Therefore, the next time you grimace at something a little out of your comfort zone, think of the wiggly maggot and be thankful we leave them for the birds; but remember variety is the spice of life.


Jack Doepke Author of "The Sacrificial Lamb"

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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