God Still Makes Beauty From Ashes
by Sonja Burketh

As I sat working on my bio, Im reminded again that just a few years ago I was in one of the fiercest battles of my life.

Not caring if I lived yet wanting to live. In a place of brokenness, living but lifeless.

Finally with a gut wrenching cry to God I gave Him room to do exactly what He said He could and would;

To all who mourn in Israel he will give: beauty for ashes; joy instead of mourning; praise instead of heaviness. For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3 Living Bible

May a portion of my story be a source of encouragement for you today;

Sonja gave her life to Christ at the age of nine. Had it not been for Gods divine hand of protection, His tender mercies and grace, she would not be alive today.

The many obstacles that surrounded her life had a purpose. To discourage the encourager and they almost succeeded.

In the year 2011, after three years of what looked like absolute defeat by way of depression, anxiety, anger and alcoholism, God moved in Sonjas life in a powerful and profound way.

His movement was not simply to convince Sonja He was an all-powerful God, but also to convince the naysayers in her life.

Sonja has since been on a mission, to encourage everyone she meets in a way that they will want to know her God and believe theres nothing too hard for Him to handle.

Anyones life can hit rough spots and its when we are out of options that we turn to God. At least thats what I did. In doing so I found that He didnt mind. He was right there still loving and caring for me. Still willing to help me.

For this, I will forever be thankful and ever so mindful to never judge or condemn. Instead, I choose to tell just how great God is and the mighty things He can do in our lives if we continue to believe.

The partial bio I shared contains but a portion of my story and Im not ashamed. For I know it was Gods grace that has kept me for a reason and for this He deserves my praise.

It is my prayer that no matter the speaking engagement or writing assignment that I never lose sight of why Im where I am today.

Sonja enjoys spending time with her ever-growing family, reading, playing with her dog or simply enjoying time alone doing absolutely nothing.
Sonja lives with her husband Ivan, in Laurel, Maryland where she is active in their local church.
To see more of her writing, please visit: http://dailymomentofthought.blogspot.com
For information concerning speaking engagements, please email sburketh@gmail.com 
Visit my blog at;

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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