Poem From a Broken Writer
by Abby Kelly I felt sunlight softening soul into spirit, Liquifying calcified dreams Pressed dormant into crannies Of this flesh-shell. I felt icicles like prisms melting Drips of radiant, golden life Suspended from the end of despair And soften, butter-yellow Fall, back into this flesh-shell. Yes, I felt sunlight soften my soul Dripping spirit back into body Filling, ever so slowly, back up this Gutted flesh-shell. I watched goals and dreams flitter Like litter cross the street, Fast and flimsy, uncharted, un-chased Un-pursued. Acorns pop beneath my feet, Rebelling, I walk past lecture halls And lessons. I abandon should's and should-nots and Probably nevers. I refuse the notion that my pen, My words, my voice propels The essence of my story. I am not the harvest of so many pages Or the culmination of book deals, Digital friends and lurid likes. I am not a soul-ish creature But spirit filled and driven, Spirit carried and consumed. I am an artist and a canvas, Both a creator and a lump of clay. So, I let the warmth of sunlight Bake my spirit firm. Like autumn pies, rich with clove Fragrance wafting from this open heart and Weakened pen. As soul melts and drips spirit Back into this flesh-shell, Abba bake me in the morning rays Of Your exquisite love And infinite purpose. A purpose so profound, It is only written on a softened heart. A purpose of worship, In words and notebooks, pens and pages Hearts and humanity in right this minute. Learn more about me on my website: http://predatory-lies.com/about-me/ Please find my book on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Surviving-Predatory-Lies-Anorexia-Kelly-ebook/dp/B00HFGMBJA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1389645006&sr=8-1&keywords=predatory+lies Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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