by SIXTUS ONYEANUSI O LORD I'M BACK TO YOUR PRESENCE My Testimony, my Song. I once strayed away from His Presence, discarded my Bible, gradually went into wilderness and dryness...thirstiness killing my soul. But God in His mercy God hit me with a strong revival. I'm now back to His feet. Praise God Written on: Date: 21/11/13 Time: 04:03am Day: Thursday Place: At Home Vs1: O Lord I'm back to Your Presence Where I left for earthly riches Now I've come back cold and heavy Crying Lord, show me your mercies Chorus: Lord, do something new in me In my heart, do a new thing Open to me once again Door to your Presence, Amen Vs2: O Lord I'm back to Your Presence From where flesh plucked away my feet Now I have come like a stranger, Crying afresh for Your Spirit Vs3: O Lord I'm back to Your Presence I'm back to the place of my rest Back to eat the word of Your grace I'm back to where my soul is blessed Vs4: I panted not for Your Presence At the breaking of a new day I threw off such sweet experience And emptily, vainly walked away Vs5: But I'm back Lord, grace has drawn me Your strong hands on me won't let go I've come to still find joy in Thee I have revival in my soul! For enquiries, contact me on: esixtusw@yahoo.com +2348064268944 Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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