by Dudley Anderson trACker number480 The e-Devotional helping to keep you on-track GodTracker is online at www.godtracker.co.uk Follow Dudley @godtracker on Twitter 28 February 2014 Dear God-tracker GOD-TRACKING IS BRAVELY TRACKING HIS PLANS WHEREVER THEY MAY LEAD God-tracking is based on the surmise that, if God has plans for us plans for a hope and a future then we need to set our faces toward seeking and tracking his plans no matter what. God is sovereign. His will is supreme and his purposes are just. Therefore, as we track God's plans we need to be willing to submit to his purposes and remain within his will. But here's the thing: whatever God's plans turn out to be, wherever we find ourselves as we track his will, we will always benefit from his grace and his fatherly care. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. I recently heard a moving story of a pastor of a small secret church in Kazakhstan. His church was near a mosque with a congregation in the thousands. One day the imam of the mosque summonsed the pastor and his small church to appear before them. The pastor and his people obliged. However, when they stood in front of the many Muslims, the imam declared, "We instruct you to close your church and convert to Islam. If you do not deny Jesus then we will kill you all." There was silence in the mosque as the pastor quietly raised his hands and said, "You may kill our bodies but our souls will always be safe in Christ our Lord. I will never deny Jesus my Lord and Saviour." Slowly the rest of the humble church group raised their hands and echoed their leader's sentiment. A buzz erupted in the mosque as worshippers waited for the imam's response. "Because of your bold commitment to your belief I have decided to let you all return home." A few days later the imam offered an apology to the pastor and his congregation. Tracking God's plans may lead you into situations beyond your control, but that's not a bad place to be. As you continue to acknowledge the Lordship of Christ and walk according to his will (wherever it may lead you) remember that he will control your circumstances. You may never face physical persecution for your faith as this pastor in Kazakhstan did but, in this world, you will indeed face the temptation to compromise your faith or your moral integrity. When this happens remember to stand strong in Christ and bravely praise God's name in the face of the gods of this world. As you do so you will be amazed at the power of God's deliverance. Your Lord will make you bold and stout-hearted as you humbly track his plans and purposes. God-tracking is bravely tracking his plans wherever they may lead. Every blessing Dudley It's all in the Book Jeremiah 29:11 Deuteronomy 31:6 Psalm 138 Subscribe to the weekly eDevotional, trACker at godtracker.co.uk Vo/W Verse of the Week Psalm 138:3 When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stout-hearted. Quote of the Week A Sample of Dudley's Fave Quotes "Our God is high and exalted, he is our Sovereign Majesty, his will is paramount, his character is supreme and his power unlimited." --- Author Don't Give Up, Look Up! Look up and Fix Your Eyes on Jesus! I submit my life and my future to your plans for me "O most holy God, I know that your will for my life is supreme. Help me to always stay on-track with your will and your plans. Thank you that you will never abandon me. I know that I can trust in your grace and power to get me through every adverse situation that I may find myself in. Lord, I reaffirm that I acknowledge you in all my ways and I trust you to direct my paths however they may appear to me. I know that all things work out good in the end, as you direct my ways. I submit my life and my future to your plans for me. In Jesus' name. Amen." If you want more prayer then email [email protected] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is trACker? GodTracker and trACker owe their origins to an international Christian radio programme produced by Dudley Anderson called, OnTrack. Although OnTrack went off-air in 2005, trACker has continued to help people to track God's plans and purposes for their lives since July 2003. trACker is a service of godtracker.co.uk. Please consider helping towards expenses in delivering this service to you HERE or by visiting http://godtracker.co.uk/ Listen to GodTracker for Radio here: http://www.godtracker.co.uk/index.html#Listen Recommend trACker to a friend? Point them to www.godtracker.co.uk or click on http://godtracker.co.uk/index.html#subscribe Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa Dudley Anderson began writing for radio in 1994. Dudley currently writes a weekly e-mail Christian motivational thought called GodTracker and has complied 2 devotional books based on GodTracker. More information at surereaity.net Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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