Submission of Christian Wives
by Joy Chiasson

Submission is not slavery. It is of your obedience to Christ that you will bring yourself to submission under your own husband when you accept Jesus as your Savior. This is right in the sight of our Lord. What does submission mean for us women? Here is one definition of submission: "to subject one's self, to obey, to submit to one's control; to yield to one's admonition or advice." J. H. Thayer, The New Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon (Lafayette, IN: Apya, 1979 [1889]), 645. Another source quotes:"to place under to bring under the authority or control of."General Supervisor, Jean L. McKechnie, Webster's New Twentieth Century of the English Language Unabridged (New York: Collins World, 1978), 1813.
Submission is not optional, but is a necessary aspect of Christian behavior. The Word of God is pure and true in this sense that the husband is the head of the family. This is where it is so important for wives to listen to the advice and encouragement of the husband when it comes time to do the menial tasks of the house like, making the budget. The husband is to be the spiritual compass for the whole household not the wife.
Let's say that Christ is our umbrella from danger. The husband is to protect the family as the second umbrella from things that would disrupt the family's peace also. So, the wife is covered by two umbrellas when she is in the right position in a Christ centered marriage. But, if the wife is usurping leadership in the family or is forced to lead the family she is not in her right place. She starts to feel outed and unprotected. She is to be led by God first and then, her husband to make decisions.
Marriage (with Adam as head and Eve as help-mate) was made by God to teach of us how the relationship between our Lord Jesus and his bride, the church should be. Do we see that these days? Very rarely. When have you seen a time that a husband cherishes his wife like Christ cherishes the church. Men and women are not being taught biblical ways of marriage.
We say our vows but, does anyone really come along side and teach us what the word 'submit' means or how to 'love' your wife? In some instances, that bring us to the point of believing that we are equal in the marriage and responsibility will both be ours. Husbands are not being given the correct interpretations of loving and caring for the helpmates these days. This is why there are so many people breaking up and wondering later why did they do that. Only to wake up alone and miserable because the God given relationship that was to last forever is ruined. Not always by the fault of those involved but, the teachings and encouragements of worldly sources.
So what are we women to do in this case? Study the Word of God on how we are to submit to our husbands and encourage our husbands to study the Word for the correct way to treat us.But, if we "love" our husbands in the LORD it will be reciprocated by our loving Christian husbands as they study to adhere to the Word of the Lord.

Joy Chiasson is a professional freelance Christian writer that loves to encourage others by her writings about God.  She has been writing since the early 21st century.  Her passion is to help others pass from being victims of circumstance and becoming victors in Christ.

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