Writing Challenge Eye Witness Account
by Dee Kyalo One thing was for certain; I loved to write and needed an environment not only to flourish as a writer but also to connect. So I embarked on a search mission. I was looking for a place where I could find people in the body of Christ with the same interests those who are and those who want to be established. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17) and what a blessing FaithWriters has been to me. FaithWriters Writing Challenge runs weekly to help writers like you and me connect with others. Articles submitted always receive feedback and this helps us spur one another. To ensure anonymity for judging purposes, articles submitted will not show the author's name until after the winners are announced. I think this is pretty cool because entries are judged without any bias. I have been active in this challenge and have had many positive experiences. My most recent one being as follows: Hi, (Not sure who I'm writing to), I really enjoyed your Challenge article and wonder if it would be OK for me to read it out as a devotional at my "Link" group (friendship group) at my church here in Melbourne, Australia. Many blessings, Ellen Carr That was a message I received in my FaithWriters Private Messenger an opportunity for friendship and exposure. To say that Ellen put a smile on my face would be an understatement. Her words, to me, were like apples of gold in pictures of silver (Proverbs 25:11 KJV). Having had firsthand experience, I can guarantee you that the challenge is worthwhile, try it - you'll see. Dee Kyalo is the author of Crushing Invisible Barriers and keeps a blog at http://deeredeemed.wordpress.com. She is married to Shem, and are parents to two children. Together they serve in the leadership of All Nations Breakthrough Church, Kansas where they live. Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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