The Dream, the Deal of a Lifetime
by Martha Bell

The Dream 03/11/12 The Deal of a Lifetime
My husband had gotten up Sunday morning early, and was making coffee. I woke up for awhile, and then fell back asleep. This is the dream that I had when I feel back asleep

So The Almighty told me that the Enemy had requested a meeting with me. He wanted to challenge my free will in choosing Christ. It was arranged for us to meet at a location of his choice, which was one of his "working offices". I was told that since I serve the "Big One" that his power that is present in me, would cause damage in sectors currently held by him Lucifer. So I was given very strict directions; and stiff requirements before this meeting with the Enemy, and I would have to follow them with no deviation, they are as follows:
I could not physically touch anything within the structure, he would have his "employees" to do anything that I would need (open a door, move a chair)
I could not physically touch any of his "employees" (shaking hands), if one of them initiated physical contact, that would be acceptable, but under the agreement, I could not initiate contact.

My directions were that I was to park in the underground parking and that his employees would be there to direct me to Lucifer's private office, and make sure that I follow the rules as agreed.

I followed the directions and found the place. The address for the meeting was an office that was in an older shopping mall, the houses were huge, but older, obviously in a previously affluent area of town. The underground parking was kind of like the parking at the mall. I pulled into the underground parking it ran from the east side of the structure, to the west. I found a spot to park and backed the car into the spot.

Immediately, I found myself surrounded by his "employees", before even getting out of the car. I could tell that they were varying in rank by their attire. As we were walking to where the meeting was to take place, my personal escort for this meeting gleefully filled me in, on where we were, and how Lucifer had acquired it. I was informed the very best of imitation materials were used to build this office complex. Nothing pure was ever used, because it would be a reminder that the "Big One" is the creator. This part of the shopping center is now "considered a safe zone", his staff can come as go as they please in this area, because there is no threat from the "Big One" here, the employee's are not allowed to say any of the "Big One's" holy names. The office where we would be meeting is one of the more important offices, because it is a "youth center" for the city's youth.

There are no churches, no bible book stores, or religious establishments of any kind in this area. And I was told, besides that, it's not an area that the "Big One's "people would venture into because of the kinds of businesses found in the area.

As we were walking through the parking garage, all of a sudden the garage became very crowded with people going and coming from the main entrance; the same one we seemed to be headed for as well.

I began to notice with grave concern, that I knew some of these people, from my church, my work, my neighbors, grocery store cashiers, children, teenagers who live on my current street. I recognized some folks from television, and some from politics. I began to become concerned and uneasy, that I recognized people from church. These are people that I personally know, I have relationships with these people!

We finally reached the main entrance where I was told we would get into the elevator to go the office upstairs where Lucifer would be waiting for me. I took note of the structure. As I walked toward the door, the wall that contained the single glass door that we were about to walk through, looked like something from a 1970's building design. The entire wall was made of Plexiglas. The design of the glass reminded me of a tic-tac-toe board with pieces of steel that drew the outline of the glass, and the door was in the middle of the panel near the sidewalk, as you face it straight on. We walked into the foyer that housed the one and only elevator. The carpet was a deep rich chocolate brown, the walls were paneled a dark rich faux mahogany wood. The lights over head were extremely bright. I was told they were the finest reproduction lights possible to purchase, fashioned after light that the "Big One" had originally created. My escort was becoming increasingly very arrogant and irritating about all the great work that went into the building to try and copy the originals materials of the "Big One" who he admitted had really created everything.

I was told that our elevator went to the one and only office, and that there was no other entry or exit in or out of the building.
Thirteen employees had been assigned to me for this event.
And I was reminded, that it was required that I must be escorted back down to my car when our meeting was over.

We got into the elevator, the same plastic veneered mahogany on the walls, and the elevator had no buttons at all. It simply went straight up to the office, it seemed we climbed forever. We finally exited the elevator which was right inside a large reception area, packed to the brim with people. There was one large office in the reception area, and it was to the right of the elevator as we got out.

I was quickly ushered through the packed reception area ahead of everybody else, into the only private office, where the meeting would take place. The escort opened the door for me, and quickly pulled a chair out for me to have a seat in for our meeting.

The office and the desk were like everything else, fake veneer mahogany wood tanker desk, the exact same dark brown carpet. The black faux leather and stainless steel office chair reminded me of ones you used to see in professional CPA offices, dental offices and banks.

As I sat down in front of this desk, my escort stepped to the left side of my chair. There was a large black executive chair behind the desk. The person sitting in the chair at the desk had his back to me, when I was fully seated; he whirled around in the chair. There sat Lucifer in his black pinstriped suit, with a black and white horizontal stripped tie. He had grey ashy colored skin, his slicked back, wavy, jet black hair and suit matched so well. It was hard to see where the suit ended and the hair started. His eyes were cold and black, and his contrived smile did nothing for me.

For several minutes he just looked at me, and then he finally said, "So, we finally meet face to face". I replied, "I believe you are the one who called for this meeting". He said, "Yes, yes I did. I want to talk to you about your employment. As you know by now, I know who you are. I know the "Big One" has much invested in you. He answers your prayers, provides all that you ask, and has put many of his most important projects in your care. He trusts you, implicitly. When he believes in someone like you, it's time for us to have a talk. You see I can offer you things as well. I am willing to offer you, whatever it will take to get you into my employment, and become a traitor to the "Big One" and his believers. You see the "Big One" and I are a lot alike, we are really not that different. Working for me would be no different than working for the "Big One". You can still be the humble person that you are, lovable, kind, caring, and considerate; in fact it would serve to encourage my work. What would change would be your loyalties. You would become loyal to me, and give me all your worship instead of him. All praise, honor and glory would be mine from here out. Before you say no, I am going to show you the prestigious department that I would want you to be in charge of, as my employee. The name is true to the name of the department, it is the "Department of Devices. "

We then got up and walked through a hidden door that was behind his desk and chair. It took us to a manufacturing floor of a huge building. I could see forever down through the plant, it went for miles and miles, with no end in sight. There were many more "departments", I would only be allowed to see the Devices Department. We walked out onto a large metal and gray high hung cat-walk that overlooked the entire plant, and then we followed the stairs down to the floor. The smell was nauseating, it smelled like sulfur, human flesh burning, and sewage all put together. The heat was so intense, and for my "visit" they had made "adjustments". I made a comment about the conditions and was told that adjustments had been made just for my visit. Here low level demons were fabricating and churning out devices useful to deceive mankind during his life on earth. I was informed that nothing was considered "off-limits" or "sacred" in the Device Department, everything and anything is allowed. There was a demon assigned to every human on earth, he watched that person 24 hours a day, and knew exactly what devices would cause failure in the Christian and what devices would cause a sinner to not to consider Christ, and then would make "extras" to throw at them just in case they were needed.

We first toured the part of the facility where research and development takes place. I was informed that devices have never changed down through the centuries; they are just presented in different ways. Devices change with culture, ethnicity, and eras of time. Every device is tested, to see how to gain maximum effectiveness from the device. Sinners and believers alike are equally tested, because all humanity was the loving creation of the "Big One". It is their responsibility to constantly test devices and watch for reactions, to those devices. If the devices get their desired results, and if the results can be qualified under one of the categories as killing, stealing or destroying they are considered successful. They are responsible for finding the devices that work the best for each individual of creation. Believers are always the first choice for testing, because it gets closest to the "Big One's" heart, and causes him the most pain. Lucifer stated that "Everybody else is just icing on the cake". The devices were horrible, because I was allowed to see the effects of the devices within the Research and Development Department. I saw pride, murder, lies, hatred, jealousy, lust, envy, strife, embezzlers, pornography, gossipers, false religions, and false Christ. I could hear the screams of the "participants" from the rooms in the Research and Development Department that I was not allowed to go into and was again reminded not to touch ANYTHING. I saw millions of people, they were grossly disfigured, and you could barely tell that they were human. The stench was overwhelming the air was thick and smoky; the smell coming from the Research and Development Department was a mixture of burning flesh and sulfur.
After going through Research and Development, we started to tour Attractions which is also a sub-department of the Device Department. It is their responsibility to make sure issues, concerns, situations and circumstances are always right in front of a person. They make sure the devices are always present, being able to draw or to attract people to the various devices that are being used against them.

The next sub-department that I was taken to was Maintenance. Once a device was found to be useful, their responsibility was to always maintain the device for the individual. They were responsible for keeping the devices ever revolving "fresh, trendy, a fad, or as" new to mankind", thereby insuring the effectiveness of devices throughout the individual's lifetime.

At this point in the tour, I was whisked back to Lucifer's office, where he folded his arms across his chest and sat on the corner of his desk. He then sat me down and gave me the "hard sell". I would have to totally forsake the "Big One" and that this would be the chance of a lifetime for me. He would not offer this "high position" again to me, he stated, that many people would sell themselves to have this kind of offer. (As he used his hand to Gesture toward the full reception office) He stated that he could use someone with my gifts and talents, because of having knowledge of how the Devices work, especially coming from the other side. I have knowledge and perspective that is very desirable with his organization. He said," you would be responsible for the success and failure of your department". He said that they do have fatalities, when believers do realize that they can overcome my devices through the Word of the "Big One, the blood of the "Big One's Son, and their own testimony. He stated that he is ready to put me to work, and that he would reward me richly if I would join his team. He said he needed to remind me that if I choose not to join his organization; that of course, I need to understand he would be forced, to use "devices" against me.

I told him that I did not need any time to consider the decision. I belong to the Lord Almighty, and have no intention of "defecting" to the other side. At this point, I was very quickly ushered out of Lucifer's office, by the same escort to the elevator and back downstairs, the same door we came through upon entering the building. As I was walking out of the building, one of his employees's patted me on the shoulder; I grabbed him by his arm and began to pray for him. He was pulling away from my grip on his arm saying "No, no, no prayer, I have made the choice to believe the lie , you must leave me alone" and he ran down the side walk that went further into the underground parking lot. At this point I was told that I must leave, and that I would be contacted regarding my answer.

At this point I woke up from my sleepI was extremely nauseous, my insides were jello. I felt like I was going to throw up all over the bed. I started praying in the Spirit right then and there.

I don't think I have ever been so determined to get to church as I was this morning. I went to church, and prayed in earnest, I made sure that my mind was centered on God. I would allow NOTHING to detract me from honoring God with praise and worship. This dream gave me a whole new outlook. This dream has kept me praying all day.

I saw things that I cannot EVEN began to describe, in this dream, I can still see the people in my mind and the smell is still in my nose, it was awful! Things that I have read in scripture now take on a new life and meaning for me.

Continuation of the Dream 03 11 2012Deal of a Lifetime Sunday Night
Last night Lewis and I went to bed, I lay awake for a long time in bed and just talked to the Lord about this dream. I finally fell asleep in the early morning hours.
The dream I had this time, was a little different.

This time I was back at the same building where the original "meeting" had taken place. I was actually looking through the building, as though it was glass. I was looking into Lucifer's office from outside of the building. Lucifer was in the same office where we had our "meeting". He was sitting at an angle, on the upper right side of the corner of his desk, just as I had left him when he presented his "deal of a lifetime" and the presentation ended.

Lucifer reminded me that since I was rejecting him and his offer; that I would pay dearly for this decision. He told me that I was making one of the worst decisions of my life, and that I would regret it for the rest of my life on earth.

The dream ended, and I woke up immediately. The time was around 3:30am, and I was trying to keep from waking my husband. My thoughts were a flurry of activity. I lay awake and prayed for awhile, prayer brought peace.

This morning was not like the rest, the alarm was not needed. With coffee in hand, I headed to my office to record the events in my faith journal. Warfare... will never be the same, and neither will I.

Growing up in a house-hold of faith, as the daughter of pastor was a challenge. My head-strong ways, more curiosity than a cat has lives, and being  a creative child, was a recipe for disaster. But not in God's eyes, remember...Jerimiah 29:11 I know the plans I have for you. Forty years later...

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