Writer's Challenge Benefits
by LaVonne Wood Reading the writers guidelines for many magazines, I noticed that most had particular subjects and deadlines required to be able to write for them. I wondered if I could meet those deadlines. I also thought I would rather write on subjects that I would choose and felt more confident to write about. This discouraged me from trying to write for freelance magazines, that is, until I started entering the Writer's Challenge. Each week the Writer's Challenge gives a particular subject to write about. Sometimes it is only one word. Other times it could be a couple words or a phrase. At first, I would really have to think to come up with something on the subject. The more weeks I entered, the easier it became to write on subject. There were even times I could have used The Writer's Challenge also has a word limit, between 150 and 750 words. This gave me practice in eliminating unnecessary words and make every word count in presenting my opinion, lesson, or story. When doing this self-editing, along with using the suggestions and comments by others, my writing skills greatly improved. I knew that the word limit would also provide practice in keeping within the word limit of the magazines I would like to write for. Every week I enter, I receive many wonderful comments from other writers. Most are very positive and encouraging, which gives me that extra boost I need to keep writing and improving my writing. Finally, there is the excitement of winning 2nd or 3rd place in my level, and oh, the joy when I finally get 1st place and move up to the next level. I know my writing is improving and I'll be a pro in no time. I recommend anyone, no matter how developed you currently are in your writing , to join the Writer's Challenge. You will get a lot of encouragement, develop your writing skills, and maybe even win a prize. http://www.faithwriters.com/writing-challenge-intro.php http://www.faithwriters.com/websites/my_website.php?id=60110 Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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