Leadership Lessons Daily 26

Scripture Passage: Genesis 45:1-8
The Leader Sees the Big Picture
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and although he went through a season of great trials in a strange land, God finally exalted him and when he met his brothers again in Egypt, he did not reward them with evil for this wicked deed. He saw the big picture, that he was sent ahead of them into Egypt to preserve their lives from the famine.
The lesson here is this; unpleasant situations confront people from time to time but it takes a leader to see beyond the adversity to the blessing it carries. A leader will always see the big picture.
Prayer: Father, open my eyes to see the big picture and the blessing in every adversity.

Eturuvie Erebor (AKA Gabriella) is a writer, speaker, trainer and coach with a strong passion to transform the lives of women and youth not only in her native country, Nigeria and the United Kingdom, where she was born, but all across the world.  She has spoken to women and youth groups in churches,

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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