Leadership Lessons Daily 39

Scripture Passage: Exodus 6:1-13
When Adversity Shows Up Keep Leading
When Moses spoke to Pharaoh to release the children of Israel, Pharaoh blatantly refused and instead, he increased their burdens. This was not what they expected and everyone was disillusioned. Moses went to God and the vision was communicated to him once again. However, when Moses turned to communicate the vision to the children of Israel a second time, they did not listen to him because they were in anguish. Moses wondered how he could return to speak to Pharaoh when he had no success getting the children of Israel to hear him. In response, God gave him a charge to bring the children of Israel out of Egypt. In other words, the vision was communicated to him again.
The lesson here is this; when adversity shows up, the leader must not quit, but carry on leading.
Prayer: Father, help me to lead even in the midst of adversity.

Eturuvie Erebor (AKA Gabriella) is a writer, speaker, trainer and coach with a strong passion to transform the lives of women and youth not only in her native country, Nigeria and the United Kingdom, where she was born, but all across the world.  She has spoken to women and youth groups in churches,

Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com


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