Spirit-Inspired Words
by Shari Weigerstorfer I was bogged down trying to find the appropriate verbiage for an article I was writing. Agitation replaced enjoyment as I contemplated the merit of two equally good words. I decided to take a break and straighten up my office. As I gathered up the morning newspaper, an advertising slogan jumped out at me: Do you have too many choices? I thought, How appropriate! I have an entire dictionary to choose from! I don't believe I'm the only one who goes through this. I think most writers struggle to find the precise words that perfectly communicate what they wish to express. The more committed the writer, the more intense the search. Excellence is tolerated, but perfection is the goal. Far too seldom are the times when the right words just seem to flow effortlessly, as if being delivered by some unseen spiritual stream. The most difficult of all, it seems, is writing about spiritual revelation and insight. It can be arduous work, requiring both time and patience. Translating spiritual concepts into words can be challenging. To share an insight effectively, the words must be exactly the ones that the Holy Spirit wants to be used in order for the significance of the revelation to be revealedthe more accurate the translation, the more effective the interpretation. Using a wrong or inferior word will dilute or obscure the meaning. If this happens, the truth will remain hidden. All effort on the part of the writer and the reader will have been in vain. Revelation, translated by the Holy Spirit and transferred by the writer to the reader, is the process by which anointed spiritual writing is created. This touch of the Spirit is essential. The anointing, or enabling, of the Holy Spirit transforms words so that they can be received by the human spirit. Anointed writing is a communication from Spirit to spirit. Writings like these change the world. This is how the Bible was composed, and why it contains life. Easier said than done though, isn't it? At a loss for which word to use for my article, I finally went to prayer: Dear God, I'm not up to this. My command of the English language is not sufficient to find the exact word needed to translate revelation into the written word. Scripture says that Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your power is perfected in weakness. I know Your ability more than makes up for my inability. Please help me to choose the words You would use. As I contemplated the problem, my imagination began to stir: I saw myself walking into a magnificent, golden hall. It was an amazing Hall of Words, a virtual library filled with books from floor to ceiling. Each book had one word inscribed on the binding. When opened, each word would release extraordinary insight into the meaning or nature of something. I saw a book with the word Joy on the binding. When I opened it, the vivid colors and emotions expressing joy leaped out, pouring forth the knowledge and understanding of what the word joy really meant. Each volume I opened after that contained its own comprehensive revelation. Clearly, finding the right word is absolutely necessary when writing spiritually inspired works. What an intimidating responsibility! As I stood in that Hall of Words, I wondered: How would I ever know which words to choose? Then, unexpectedly, a book moved slowly out from its place on the shelf and floated down to me. Then another came. The right words were literally coming to me. A sense of peace came over me, and I remembered the expression the inspired word of God. The Bible says that all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. Sacred writings are not esteemed for being written by men of brilliance or vision, but because they are perceived to have been inspired by God. It is the established belief that these writers were guided by the Spirit to convey with precision exactly what God intended them to declare as the accurate revelation of His mind and will. Personally, I don't think the Spirit quit inspiring writers when the Scriptures were completed. I think He still helps writers today to find the words that are good and acceptable and perfect. I think it's something that gives Him pleasureHe is our Holy Ghostwriter! Shari Weigerstorfer is a free-lance Christian writer, native to the West Coast of America. When not indulging in her passion for travel, she writes from her home in Singapore. Other articles by Shari can be found on her site at Faithwriters.com Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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