by PamFord Davis

Is it playtime, play period or recess?

Elementary school teachers allow regular opportunities for either indoor or outdoor play. In bygone days, some children chose to play house while the more adventurous played cowboys and Indians or cops and robbers.

In the spiritual realm, multitudes gather in church congregations, face their pastors and music worship leaders. There, they play obedience

"And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they sit before thee as my people, and they hear my words, but they will not do them: for with their mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth after covetousness. And, lo thou art unto them as a very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not (Ezekiel 33:31-32 KJV)."

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

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