by Linda Wattley If you really want to learn something about you, others and life, all you have to do is sit down and begin to write. You will learn more in that given moment than you would if you read a book. Why? Because you will be introduced to a part of yourself that you did not know existed. There is great power in written words. That is why the Bible was written. At first the laws and teachings of God were handed down by mouth, but eventually it was discovered that written words have a profound effect on human beings. Words spoken tend to lack quality in thought. When we begin to write, our minds are forced to settle down and focus on more meaningful thoughts which surface deep out of silence. Actually, the average person will not ever really know their total selves, because they will refuse to write down their most disciplined and hidden thoughts. They do not want to slow down and take a break from life's roller coaster ride of ups and downs. People know if they ever slowed down long enough to write, they would have to make inner and outer changes in their lives. Knowledge found within us demands changes. In fact, once we write from within, the wheel of change is automatically activated causing change with no effort on our part. Many people will say they cannot write. They may not be able to write for others to understand, but I assure you they can write well enough that they will understand it for themselves. It matters not what is written. What is important is getting the inner-knowledge exposed so that we may grow spiritually much more quickly and with less fear of the unknown. Writing reveals our spiritual existence. It brings us into a new awareness of new dimensions that exist within and around us. It brings us into the realization that our mind does not own us, nor is it the greatest instrument for us to have in life to exist. In writing, we actually get in touch with the I AM behind the mind and body. When we write, our minds have to follow our spirits, because spirit opens up during the calming of the mind. This is where we begin to unfold and become totally aware of the inner-dimensions of our being. It is much easier to talk to people because we very seldom talk to ourselves. But when we write, we are talking directly to ourselves, even if we are writing to someone else. There should come a time in all of our lives when we desire to know and understand ourselves more. This is where writing can prove to be our best spiritual friend, guide and light. If you wrote a paragraph right now, I am sure you would learn something important about yourself. Whether you like it will depend on what realities you are willing to accept. Maybe once you have written a paragraph, you may need to write more. Find out. This just may be what you need to feel better about yourself and life. Linda Diane Wattley is a published writer who began her first work of art with poetry. The poem, "I Wish" appeared in the Poetry Gem of the American Poets Society. For over twelve years she had her own religious/philosophical column in the Frost Illustrated Newspaper titled "The Best Will Show Themselves". In her weekly column, Wattley shared a unique voice revealing her understanding of the heart of God. Heading into her thirteenth year of writing, she realized God had imparted a message to her to share with the world. This message was founded on love and God's desire for His people to know Him individually and wholeheartedly. Knowing the power of words, she writes for readers to experience instant spiritual transformation. Article Source: |
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