by Lewis E. Thomas

Did you not know that when you sin against God that you harm others?
What kind of influence are you to your sisters and brothers?

Did you not know that your actions can make other people "more or less"!
Your personal sin can "keep them" from being their best.

When they see you sinning they are prone to "follow" your lead!
Will that result in a drunken car crash that causes them to suffer and bleed?

Will your "personal actions" cause your children to become good or bad?
What are they "learning" from ole Mom and Dad?

Will your example cause them to end up in prison serving time?
Think about your actions and your example as you end this rhyme!

The next time you sin against God remember all those that you love!
Then pattern your actions to please the Lord above!

Then you will have no regrets in the future ahead.
And you will be proud of the way that you led!

People who know you will have only good things to say!
Because you "follow Jesus Christ" down that straight and narrow way!

Lewis E Thomas
As given by God on 9/10/2015


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