The Greatest Knowledge of All
by Linda Wattley

The greatest knowledge one could ever receive in this world is to know thy self. Amazing as it may sound, many people live out their lives never knowing who they are. From the time of birth, the possibility of knowing who we are is smothered. We are never introduced to our inner-world; instead, we are programmed by our environment, schools, family members, television etc. We are never taught the Kingdom of Heaven is within, and there is an inner voice that says, "Peace be still, I am God."

So we go through life listening externally instead of internally. Then, there is the normal fear of accepting the hidden self we sense does exist. We are not taught to value our uniqueness nor are we told we are a perfect expression of God meaning God already created us qualified to be His children. He made us to have dominion over the things of this world to validate this, He allowed Jesus Christ to be our perfect example of always knowing who we are. Each time he identified himself, it included the divinity of his oneness with God. He had no problem with his identity and he did not allow external things or circumstances to interfere with his demonstrations that verified his qualifications as a child of God.

"Greater works than this ye shall do who believeth on me, he said. He was saying, then, if you believe in me, why don't you believe in yourself? Living in a world of oppositesgood and evil, right and wrongit is difficult for those who seek to live righteously to accept they are sinners saved by grace. So often the meaning of Jesus dying for the sins of the world is inadequately interpreted.

This event marked the time when man was free from the guilt of being a spiritual being incased in a physical body. It gave man the strength to accept his weaknesses and his sinful nature. In viewing life, it is always the worst experiences which teach us the most, and the sins that stalk us the most that makes us realize our need for God and his divine grace.

Know that out of the darkness come the light, and "All things work together for good for them who love the Lord." Live and learn. Be thankful for what you are and what you are not. Through it all, you will find God has a perfect plan for you just as you are, and you will also find no can speak God into existence for you. Instead, you will find God and you are one, just as the sun is to its rays.

Whitney Houston wholeheartedly sings, "The greatest love of all is learning to love yourself." I say, the "The greatest knowledge of all is learning to know yourself."

Linda Diane Wattley is a published writer who began her first work of art with poetry. The poem, "I Wish" appeared in the Poetry Gem of the American Poets Society. For over twelve years she had her own religious/philosophical column in the Frost Illustrated Newspaper titled "The Best Will Show Themselves". In her weekly column, Wattley shared a unique voice revealing her understanding of the heart of God. Heading into her thirteenth year of writing, she realized God had imparted a message to her to share with the world. This message was founded on love and God's desire for His people to know Him individually and wholeheartedly. Knowing the power of words, she writes for readers to experience instant spiritual transformation.

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