by Eugene Lopatynsky Why are Christians urged, repeatedly sometimes, to sell their property and share the proceeds with others? This very topic seems to reappear periodically and merits a closer examination of a few very basic facts. For a very short time some Christians in Israel shared their personal property in what may be likened ideologically to a type of Christian Communism. Perhaps, all that can be said in its favor is that that economic structure was NOT constructed with blood and terror and mass-graves, as it was in the (now deceased, "rest in pieces") Soviet Union. This system encountered severe problems and dishonesty from its very beginning, in the first century AD. It was necessary to have and to enforce new laws. Behold 2Thess.3:10-11: "For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that IF ANY WOULD NOT WORK, NEITHER SHOULD EAT. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. The main reason for sharing property might have been their expectation of a virtual apocalypse, as part of strong prophecy for their immediate future. This virtual apocalypse certainly did occur 70 AD, uprooting and disinheriting practically the entire nation. There was no way to save property, private or otherwise. Many were fortunate to save their lives from Roman retribution. Now, why would man need private property and what does the Bible say about it? The old Germanic tribes of Europe had a "goddess", before encountering Catholicism. Her name was Freya. From this name comes the word FREIHEIT, in German, and FREEDOM, in English. What was she a "goddess" of? Do you have any idea? SHE WAS THE "GODDESS" OF PROPERTY. Does superstition sometimes point to truth? Those poor pagans had no crazy illusions. They knew what was essential and what was a lie. To them PROPERTY was FREEDOM. They chose the "pursuit of property". Such was the practical attitude, perceived and born out of bitter experience, way, way back, from the don of human history. Private property is not only often needed for survival, it is needed for personal freedom as well. The very concept of private property is, by itself, an incentive for toil, a superb and necessary motivator. Only slaves own nothing. If you manage to control someone's life's essentials, you have that person utterly dependent on you and your will. Without assets we have only the freedom to starve. And, maybe, not even that. To trust others to control your livelihood is crazy. GOD GAVE TO EACH HEBREW PROPERTY TO MAKE HIM INDEPENDENT. THEN GOD GAVE LAWS TO PROTECT THAT INDEPENDENCE BY PROTECTING THEIR PROPERTY. PROPERTY IS FREEDOM. Every pirate government, which wants to remove your liberty, will try to utterly impoverish you first. These nice people will try doing it slowly or rapidly, depending on current probabilities for avoiding a successful counterrevolution. Writing our Constitution, after some battle, the original wording was changed to "pursuit of happiness". Some of the founding fathers did not relish too many upstarts either. But can YOU imagine much happiness in the midst of bitter, grinding poverty? Try instead "pursuit of private property", or "pursuit of private ownership", the original intention. If you make it, don't forget your USA, your beautiful country. Try to help it and defend it. You will be part then of the middle class, so feared by the Big Boys. Take a look at the practical experience of others in this and other matters in "WISDOM UPDATE: Profit economically and learn from the bitter experience of others. Believe me, this is MUCH SMARTER than to learn out of your own bitter experience", in For what it's worth, shared property has worked fine in only one, solitary setting that is inside a "nuclear" family. Inside a faithful, disciplined, loving family almost everything is shared. But as soon as the kids grow up and attempt to form their own separate families all the former sharing is at an end. To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters. Or use EDGE for your search engine. Article Source: |
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