by Eugene Lopatynsky With infinite love God gave us a Savior to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you. Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. Even if you go into a lost eternity and have not accepted Christ, He died for you, and you simply made His sacrifice for you of no avail. You have trodden underfoot the blood of your Savior. UNLIKE US, GOD MAY HATE THE SIN, BUT HE STILL LOVES THE SINNER. No sin (evil) can be just arbitrarily forgiven. If God forgives, then God Himself must pay the penalty for the sinner. The Lord God has been showing us that MAN CAN NEVER SAVE HIMSELF BY WORKS or by any human means. The penalty for sin is death. To pay for us God would have to die. Impossible. That fact is what made Lucifer so confident- confident until that Being beheld the Cross. God has indeed provided a way out, a KINSMAN Redeemer, a SAVIOR, absolutely innocent and perfect, without sin or flaw, willing and capable of paying for us, willing to suffer our just penalty. Incredible, what? Can you imagine what will confront those who refuse so great, SO GREAT, a salvation? Check it out in the Bible. The Bible REALLY IS a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you. Christ Jesus, your Creator, washed the feet of His disciples. They asked Him for a seat beside Him in heaven for distinction. What did he say? "On Earth, your rulers exploit you and oppress you and elevate themselves above you. But in Heaven only he who is the SERVANT of all is the greatest" (paraphrased, if you please). Moses asked to see Gods glory. God said, "I will let my goodness pass before you" (Exodus 33:18-19). God says HIS GOODNESS IS HIS GLORY. It's not the creation, which is the TREASURE. IT IS THE CREATOR. It's not the blue sky, the mountains, the white clouds or anything in this world which is the TREASURE, it is finding and loving and serving our Lord. If you ever loved anyone with your whole being and were loved in return, you might understand how precious your loved one is. No physical possession could ever come near to this in importance. No matter what we have done, served sin or the Chief Devil himself, every human being willing to change, wanting a God of love instead of a god of betrayal, will be forgiven, will be given a new heart and an eternity of joy unspeakable and full of glory. This life is nothing compared to eternity. Why trade any temporary advantages for an eternity of unspeakable, unthinkable horror. You choose. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Lord Jesus and to belong to Him! If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS. COME INTO MY LIFE AND BE THE RULER OF MY LIFE. HELP ME TO LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY; I PLEAD TO OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH AND TO READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE." If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. Even in this life it will be the greatest happiness you'll ever know and a light upon your path. Conversely, to FAIL in this, will be the GREATEST DISASTER you will ever have, both here and hereafter. After this, clean up your life with the Bible. Check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in (under articles). It's made for you. To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters. Or use EDGE for your search engine. Article Source: |
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