by Lewis E. Thomas

The Abortion Doctor is a licensed serial killer and a hired "Hit Man!
His actions are protected and endorsed by a Supreme Court Command!

The Abortionist has a heart thats as black as a moonless night!
Evil has filled his heart and holds his soul ever so tight!

The Mother who would hire this " HIT MAN" is an "accessory" to this evil act!
They are both guilty of " MURDER" and that is a fact!

The abortionist is more evil than old Adolf Hitler and much more vile!
The Abortion Doctor can go into a Mother's womb and destroy her sleeping child!

The Abortion Doctor can pull the unborn child's limbs off its torso one by one!
And he won't shed "one tear" while the murder is being "done"!

How does one sleep at night with the blood of innocent babies on their hands?
All those innocent little lives snuffed out all across our land!

All those future Doctors, Lawers, Teachers, Moms, etc. that will never be!
All those precious lives that will never get to touch you and me!

Can you imagine having a Father who murders babies to make his dollars and dimes?
A Father who thinks he will get away with his bloody crimes!

The Abortion Doctor is the most " heinous" creature who ever breathed air!
His/Her crimes and cold hearted butchery are "beyond" compare!

But I am reminded of "God's Awesome Grace" as I close this rhyme!
God will even save and forgive the Abortion Doctor "if he will repent" while he has time!

Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 10/20/16

(of a person or wrongful act, especially a crime) utterly odious or wicked.
"a battery of heinous crimes"
synonyms: odious, wicked, evil, atrocious, monstrous, abominable, detestable, contemptible, reprehensible, despicable, egregious, horrific, terrible, awful, abhorrent, loathsome, hideous, unspeakable, execrable; iniquitous, villainous,

someone who gives assistance to the perpetrator of a crime, without directly committing it, sometimes without being present.
"she was charged as an accessory to murder"
synonyms: accomplice, partner in crime, associate, collaborator, abettor, co-conspirator, fellow conspirator; henchman


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