by Eugene Lopatynsky Have you noticed that some people, of a comparable skill level (education), seem to become far more successful than others? Chance may play a part, but mostly it is due to the impact which a complex, well-rounded, personality brings to bear. There are many aspects which make up this effective personality complex. These must be acquired, sooner or later, one by one. To start, a PLEASANT, OUTGOING, PERSONALITY, which seeks and enjoys other people, is one of the essential characteristics. These characteristics can also be acquired, one by one, and added to the personality inventory. Let's start with social basic behavior. WHEREVER YOU GO, YOU WILL LEAVE AN IMPRESSION Its up to you what kind of impression youll leave. People will remember you pleasantly or unhappily. Leaving a good impression is free and will prove helpful in whatever you do. Treat others as you would want them to treat you (Mark 12: 31 or Rom.13:8-10). Especially, encountering a fellow Christian, try to observe John 13: 34-35. Cultivate a courteous, courtly, cultured attitude, which tries to build up the people we meet. Try to find something niece to say, where ever possible. Find something true to praise them for, for what they are or do, or think. Its advertising, but in reality, you advertise yourself. They will remember you favorably. ELIMINATE DEPRESSION There are some among us who hide from people. This is an unfortunate condition which tends to hold the person captive, restricting his or her success and personal happiness. People instinctively have a need for friends and companionship and they do respond to friendliness, courtesy, and good will. The more influential people you know personally, the greater your chances, your "operational radius". People, who hide from other people, usually face a lifetime of the exact opposite. The "hiding syndrome" usually originates in NEUROSIS ("floating" fear, depression), perhaps due to horrible emotional damage in the past, or due to systemic metabolic imbalance. Either way, this condition must be treated medically as a depression. It is very vitally important to eliminate this condition. Perhaps, for a start, look up "Health: Defeat Depression" in www.remnatonly.info, under "New". SEEK A LAMP TO LIGHT YOUR WAY IN THE DARKNESS Many seek a "success on the outside" and neglect an "inner success". The inner success is actually far more important. Yet both of these can and do work together for far greater effectiveness. There is another aspect when dealing with people. It is a "Light from within". It is GOODNESS and good will. It comes from God and will become perceptible to nearly everybody, increasing friendships and influence. The opposite is also perceptible. There are no substitutes for it. People feel it and people respond. More importantly, YOU will feel and delight in it. This attitude comes automatically from working along with Christ Jesus. There are truly eternal, unbelievably great benefits included in this. Contrary to Luciferian propaganda, man does not live for this world alone. There is another reality out there, just microseconds away. Every conceivable sacrifice is really worthwhile to find Jesus! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you. Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus. If you want this greatest of all treasures, invite Him, say "Lord Jesus, forgive me my sins, please be the ruler of my life!" If you mean it, that will do it. Then get a KJ Bible (King James Version) and clean up your life. A bright, unimaginably wonderful future is waiting for every Christian! God Himself said that the ear has not heard and no eye has ever seen, neither can man even imagine the HAPPINESS which God has prepared for those who love him (1 Cor. 2:9, paraphrased, if you please)! God's Word, Sir. Look it up. What do you suppose will confront those who REJECT the immense gift of a loving God, so great, SO GREAT, a salvation? LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF OTHERS Profit socially and economically and learn from the bitter experience of others. Believe me, this is MUCH SMARTER than to learn from YOUR OWN bitter experience. (NOW UPDATED: Investment Details, Education, Choosing Professions, Gold, Financing Devils, Job Cautions and Strategy, Financial Bubbles, etc.) THEY SAY, WE GET OLD TOO SOON AND WISE TOO LATE. IT'S NOT A JOKE, REALLY. IT'S TRUE. "WISDOM ADVICE" IS ACTUALLY PRICELESS; BUT ONLY IF YOU UNDERSTAND IT AND APPLY IT PROPERLY, TIMELY AND INTELLIGENTLY. See "Wisdom Update" in www.remnantonly.info, under 'Protect Yourself'. Mankind builds upon the experience and experimentation of others. You don't have to repeat these experiments (determinations, errors, and failures). In real life, learn from the experience and errors of others. To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters. Or use EDGE for your search engine. Article Source: http://www.faithwriters.com |
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