by Eugene Lopatynsky God told the Jews to apply the blood of an innocent lamb to the posts of their door. God said “When I see the blood, I’ll pass over you”. He did not pass over the Egyptians. With a mighty hand brought God His people out of Egypt. The birth of freedom? You think about it. Today, this day, has the blood of Christ Jesus been applied TO YOU? Surprising question? But it is not your blood, it is the blood and agony of someone else, who loves you and who paid for you. This time it is not just a birth of freedom; it will be the birth of an eternity of happiness. With a mighty hand will God bring HIS PEOPLE into another reality, this time into a reality which THE EYE HAS NOT SEEN, AND THE EAR NEVER HEARD, NEITHER CAN MAN EVEN IMAGINE THE HAPPINESS THAT GOD PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM (1Cor. 2: 9, paraphrased, if you please). God’s Word, Sir. Look it up.
God gave Israel seven feast days, each one with a prophetic significance. Five have already been fulfilled, only two remain. When was Passover fulfilled? The blood upon the door, the mighty entrance into freedom? It was the sign for a future Redeemer, a Savior, who would pay with His blood, for everyone who will choose the God of Justice over the god of betrayal.
He said, IT IS FINISHED, and He bowed His head, and gave up His life, for you and for me (John 19:30).
IMPOSSIBLE! Not to mention that God would have to become a Kinsman, a man. Satan’s sense of invincibility and self-assurance lasted until the Cross.
No matter what we have done, served sin or the Chief Devil himself, every human being willing to change, wanting a God of love instead of a god of betrayal, will be forgiven, will be given a new heart (innermost being) and an eternity of joy unspeakable and full of glory. This life is nothing compared to eternity. Why trade any temporary advantages for an eternity of unspeakable, unthinkable horror? Adam and Eve have already chosen. This time, YOU choose. --------------------------- Ishtar is the Mesopotamian East Semitic (Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian) goddess of fertility, always with baby Baal (Tammuz or by different names), as Semirabis in Babylon, Diana in Greece, Ceres in Rome; and now, where would you look for her in contemporary Pantheons? This Ishtar is still the same demon providing fornication and adultery; a “goddess of love and war”, of Ego (self-esteem) and selfish power. Now the adopted image looks harmless, with eggs and rabbits as fertility symbols. For those who tolerate or even defend IDOLS, what did God tell you in Deut. 5:8-9?
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