NEW COVENANT Bible Studies, Articles - ALL FREE TO USE
by Michael Edwards

There is a large list of free to use New Covenant studies below, but the most up to date listing is at this link:


Introduction to my New Covenant Bible Studies

The purpose of these New Covenant Bible studies is to encourage the believer and remove all doubt from their heart of their Fathers love for them and their complete and total forgiveness in Christ. Jesus often said “Oh you of little faith.” God desires that we live from faith to faith for our own benefit, with no doubt, fear, worry or anxiety in between. It is only Satan who wants believers to doubt God’s love and complete and total forgiveness towards those who believe. He knows that if we doubt God’s forgiveness for our past, present, and future sins even a little, we will doubt God’s love for us. This will lead us to live in insecurity that manifests itself in acts of sin and the inability to love others as God loves us. We cannot love much and walk by the Spirit until we know for certain we have been forgiven totally (Luke 7:47). If we live in doubt, Satan wins in this life because he knows that love is the only thing that fulfills God’s law (Rom 13:8-10).

The truth is there is absolutely no condemnation in the New Covenant of Grace and truth Jesus blood was shed to bring.  If you are walking in fear, guilt, worry, repetitive sin and condemnation, you are displaying symptoms of unbelief to parts of the message of His righteousness and grace. There is also a great possibility that you have been deceived into believing you are still under the Old Covenant letter of the law. While you may protest and claim you know you are not under the law, symptoms do not lie, and I urge you to set aside any pride and be honest about your symptoms before God. Are you walking in the victory Jesus died to give you? Are you reigning in life like the Bible teaches you should be? Do you reside in Jesus peace that overcomes all circumstances or are your feelings up and down based on your circumstances? Incorrectly believing we are still under the letter of the law is what brings sin consciousness, Rom 3:20 and condemnation. This leads to doubt about our salvation because if we believe we are under the law, we believe at least subconsciously that we must keep the law to be saved in addition to trusting Jesus. This falsely places the burden of our salvation upon us in our thoughts and minds which naturally leads to doubt and fear, because we know intuitively that we cannot keep God’s perfect standard in thought, word, and deed. The letter of the law leads us to be self and sin focused when the Bible teaches we are supposed to lose our life in Christ “he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit convicts us as believers of our complete righteousness in Christ – John 16:10. We are called to agree with the Holy Spirit and take captive our thoughts, to captivate our minds and thoughts to Jesus righteousness, to His finished work, to the obedience of Christ. Once you are firmly established in the gospel truth of God’s great love for you and your righteousness in Christ, you will begin to naturally display the fruits of the spirit which are peace, joy, patience, self-control, brotherly love and more. These fruits will replace the acts of sin you still see in your life. Restlessness will leave your life and the peace of Christ will rest upon you in all circumstances. His peace will lead you to sin far less and serve God out of love and gratitude instead of guilt, without effort.

This is not a difficult process; it really comes down to believing God our Father as a little child trusts a loving parent, childlike faith. Jesus did not die to see if you can qualify to get into heaven, he fully qualified you. God does not lie, if you believe Jesus is Lord and have placed your faith in Him, you have been saved and have become a co-heir with Christ, qualified to participate in the inheritance of the Saints – Col 1:12.

I accept that in Christ I am:

Greatly loved by God - Ephesians 2:4 - Forgiven of all my sins - Ephesians 1:7

Free from the law of sin and death - Romans 8:2 - Righteous - Rom 5:19

Complete - Colossians 2:10 NASB Justified - 1 Corinthians 6:11

Sanctified - Hebrews 10:10 NASB - Holy and without blame - Ephesians 1:4

Perfected - Hebrews 10:14 NASB

The enemy tries to create doubt and unbelief about the truths in the above verses, just like he created doubt in Adam and Eve which led to sin. Doubting God’s love and our total forgiveness is what leads to sin. On the other hand, being firmly established in God’s love, total forgiveness and His righteousness in our minds and thoughts is what stops sin, replacing it with the fruits of the Spirit. Satan will try to get us to doubt by pitting less clear scriptures against very clear ones like John 3:16 which tells us we HAVE eternal life by believing. The enemy does this by enlisting well-meaning believers who are filled with doubt and fear themselves to spread doubt and fear to others. The truth is, some scriptures simply require more study in context to understand God’s word is not divided against itself causing confusion and uncertainty. Many of these studies explore those tough scriptures that Satan may be using to create doubt for you.

There are two main covenants in the Bible, the Old, and the New. Rightly dividing these covenants as a believer is paramount to reigning in this life. They must not be mixed as many believers do. To understand the Bible, a person must also know the intent and the heart of the author, and we see our Fathers intent and heart clearly in Jesus life and actions. Jesus is the exact image of Our heavenly Father. Your heavenly Father is for you and you will learn from scripture in these studies that He loves you as much as He loves Jesus. Everything He did was out of love for us, even the intent, the Spirit. of all of God’s laws is love as you will clearly learn from scripture in these lessons.

Renew Your Mind

We are called to believe God’s word, to renew our minds to the message of truth and grace in the New Covenant that Jesus shed His blood for.

For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. John 1:17 NAS

And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is poured out for we is the new covenant in My blood. Luke 22:20

Under the Old Covenant, fear of punishment is what kept a person from sinning. But it failed due to the weakness of man. Under the New Covenant, the love of Christ compels us to love and constrains us from sin, while God’s grace teaches us to live a Godly life. 2 Cor 5:14Titus 2:12

We all know how weeds can take over a garden with no tending. Think of your mind as a garden that needs tending, needs renewal or the weeds will take over. In this case, you do primarily focus on pulling weeds, you just need to start planting the right crop. You need to seed your mind, heart and daily thoughts with your right standing with God.  When the Bible tells us to take our thoughts captive to Christ's obedience, it is speaking of all of our thoughts, good and bad. Therefore, we totally captivate our mind and thoughts to the finished work of Christ, to who you are in Christ. I guarantee the fruits of the Spirit will grow and choke out the weeds and the fruits of peace, patience, joy, and others will take over. But you need to keep this focus as your priority because, at the slightest opportunity, the enemy will try and steal the good seed and plant weeds that will quickly take root. Keep your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your faith, at all times.

It should be noted that the author is against all outward acts of sin. These studies will lead a person down the Biblical path manifesting the fruits of the Spirit which are necessary to defeat sin, even deep-rooted reoccurring sin in a believer’s life. They lead to His righteousness and His peace that overcomes all circumstances. Once you are firmly established, unshakeable and unmovable in His love, righteousness, and peace, start expecting Joy because it is coming and will naturally take root in your heart and mind. This is when you know intimately that His perfect love has cast out all of your fear.

The author agrees with Paul that believers are no longer under the law, we are under grace where sin is not counted by God, imputed to the believer. 

“…that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation” (2 Cor 5:19).

For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. (Rom 6:14)

“For the law brings wrath, but where there is no law there is no transgression” (Rom 4:15).

...sin is not counted where there is no law" (Rom 5:13)

...“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.” Heb 10:17

The author also agrees with Paul, believers should not sin just because God is not imputing sin to our account, holding it against us.

What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! Romans 6:15 ESV

I recommend you get your Bible and do an in-depth study with me. Don't be shy, please contact me with any questions or objections you may have through private messenger on FaithWriters, or by leaving a comment below the particular study, you want to discuss. 


Section One with More Order

Many of my New Covenant Bible Studies are listed in this first section in more order with a better description of each area. There are 21 areas of studies in the top section. All of the studies are listed in the second section but with less order.

1) In the beginning, after the fall, humanity was not born in the image of God. This is obvious unless you think God sins, and we reflect his sinful image. We were born in the image of fallen Adam and our flesh inherited his image and will die. We were made sinners, inherited Adams Sin nature that led us to sin which leads to death.

For as through the one man's disobedience, the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. Rom 5:19NAS

When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. Gen 5:3NAS

We Are Not Sinners Because We Sin, We Sin Because We are Sinners

How Could Jesus be Born of a Woman and Not Inherit a Sin Nature?

2) But there is great news for us since we are born-again. When we were born-again, our Spirit was born-again, a new creation in Christ in the image of Jesus. Our Spirit reflects the image of Jesus and like Jesus, our Spirit is sanctified, holy, righteous and perfected by the blood of Jesus. As He is so are we in this world.

because as he is so also are we in this world. 1 John 4:17b ESV

This is how God see’s you at this very moment, Christian. To walk with God, we must agree with God. These studies will set you free and transform your life to be of great use in the kingdom of God. God promised you eternal life when you were born-again through belief and see’s you as saved right now. He knows for certain His Son’s sacrifice was more than sufficient. The only condition is to believe, and you met this when you placed your faith in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You are born-again in Christ.

If You Believe You Have Been Saved

Did Jesus Sacrifice Provide Forgiveness for Our Future Sins Too? Yes

God's Exclamation Point, The Free Gift of Righteousness

Jesus Specific Prayer for Your Life, Christian

Will God Forgive Us if We do Not Forgive Others?

Thy Will Be Done, An In-depth Study Into Gods Will for Us

Our Righteousness in Christ, Not Condemnation, is the Justice God Seeks

3) God sees you as the receiver and Himself as the promise maker. The burden is always on the promise maker, not the receiver. Learn to leave the burden on God and walk in the true freedom and peace Jesus died to give you.

Leave the Burden on God

Trying to Quantify Belief is a Deception from Satan

4) God see’s you in Christ, fully qualified for eternal life, fully qualified to participate in the inheritance of the saints. Satan will do all he can to get you to take your eyes off Jesus and look at the failures of your flesh. When we do, doubt creeps in and we can incorrectly take on a burden that is not ours and fear that we may not be saved.

Jesus Did Not Die to See If You Can Qualify

Stop Disqualifying Yourself

Work Out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling

5) God sees you as fully right with Him, now, righteous by His free gift of His Righteousness. You were made a sinner by Adams disobedience without sinning (#1 study), and now as God rights this injustice, in a like manner, you have been made righteous by the blood of Christ without righteous acts. You did not earn His righteousness and you cannot lose it by sinning. Your Spirit is as righteous as the blood of Christ can make it, but your flesh will never be righteous so stop doubting because of what you see in the mirror. We walk by faith and not by sight.

We Need Jesus for Righteousness, Not Happiness

Only Way to be Righteous 

Literally Righteous in Christ 

Seek First His Righteousness


Law Demands Righteousness Grace Provides Righteousness

Can You Say This Christian?

6) God sees your name in the book of life because of the blood of Jesus and the word of your testimony. He will never erase it.  

God WILL NOT Erase Your Name from of the Book of Life, Christian

Doubt and Unbelief are the Precursors for All Sin and Turmoil

7) God no longer sees you under the letter of the law once you come to Christ. He sees you under grace where he places all who believe. Under grace, your sins are not being imputed. Sin by definition in the Bible is the transgression of the law. Under grace, you cannot transgress the law. Therefore, God is not counting the sins of your dead flesh.

The New Covenant of Grace and Truth Replaced the Old Covenant of Law

Jesus is The End of The Law for Believers

A Christian is Dead to the Law, Freed from the Law and Dead to Sin

Christians are Blessed Because God is Not Imputing our Sins

A Christians Sins are NOT Counted Against Them

Can a Christian Lose their Salvation by Sinning? NO

Sins Are NOT Counted Under Grace

God Forgets Our Sins For His Own Sake

Dead to Mr. Law, Married to Mr. Grace

How Grace Defeated Sin in My Life

8) Satan is the only one who wants you to doubt your salvation. His power to condemn and kill came from the letter of the law of Moses in the Old Covenant. He will always point you back to the law, in an attempt to keep you under condemnation and guilt. He will use other well-meaning believers who he has deceived to do the same. Unfortunately, most believers mix law with grace to some extent, which make grace of little or no effect. Gal 5:4Rom 11:6

Satan Will Always Point You Back to the Law

Don't Rearm Your Enemy

Fallen From Grace,

How Much Law Does it Take to Make Grace of No Effect?

9) The only sin that is unforgivable in the Bible is blaspheme against the Holy Spirit by an unbeliever. This is their rejection of the Holy Spirits testimony of their need for the Savior. In other words, they call the Holy Spirit a liar by their refusal to believe and accept His testimony. Ultimately, unbelief in the gospel is the only unforgivable sin and you cannot commit this sin as a believer.

What is the One Unforgivable Sin?

The Final Judgment Will You Be a Sheep or a Goat?

Who is Jesus Talking to with Depart from Me I Never Knew You?

10) The Holy Spirit does not convict you of your sins. He is there to convict you of your righteousness in Christ. As Jesus said when I leave the Father I will send you another helper in the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not go accusing people of their sins, that is Satan’s job, the accuser of the brethren. His only anger was with the self-righteous, those who led people away from Him, grace and truth. The Holy Spirit looks just like Jesus did when he walked this earth. We just need to renew our mind to agree with the Holy Spirit to have victory in this life.

Holy Spirit Does Not Convict a Believer of Their Sins

Sin Consciousness Grieves the Holy Spirit

Self Occupied or Christ Occupied

What is an Evil Conscience in the Bible?

11) God never calls a believer a sinner. Jesus came to save sinners and not the righteous. Once we believe we are given a new title, the righteous, even though we still sin. God sees you in the Spirit as righteous as you will ever be right now by the blood of Jesus. This is because the new Spirit he gave you is righteous and sealed by the Holy Spirit from this fallen worlds contamination. 

Believers are Never Called Sinners in the New Testament

God Sees A Believers Faith Not Their Sins

God is Looking for Our Faith Not Our Holiness

Is There Such Thing as a Violent Christian Drunkard?

12) Since God does not call you a sinner, he does not call you by a sinner subtitle in His word (liar, thief, hypocrite, adulterer, homosexual, etc.) A title that describes a specific type of sinner. He sees your Spirit as righteous by the blood of Jesus and the word of your testimony.

These People Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God,

13) God never calls you or sees you as a hypocrite when you sin. Hypocrite is a title reserved for the self-righteous. The only way a believer can be called a hypocrite is if they turn from the truth and are deceived into judging others while they still have sin in their own flesh. If your faith is fully in Christ, we are not one of the self-righteous. Jesus is our righteousness. We are like Paul and do not boast in our ability to keep the law. We boast in our weakness and the cross of Christ so the power of God will rest upon us.

Jesus Never Called a Believer a Hypocrite 

Sin Does Not Make a Christian a Hypocrite

14) God promised, the burden is upon Him, to never be angry with you again. 

God SWORE I Will NOT be Angry With or Rebuke Believers 

15) God promised, the burden is upon Him, no condemnation for you. 

There is No Condemnation for You Christian

16) God see’s you as righteous, sanctified, holy and perfected in the Spirit. Your flesh will never be perfected, this is why it must die. When we die, you are guaranteed a new glorified body and your redemption will be complete.

I Am Holy, I Am Sanctified, I Am Perfected

God Said a Believer Can Never be Considered Unholy

I Am a New Creation IN CHRIST

Christians are on The Highway of Holiness, Be Holy, Because I Am Holy is a Prophecy

17) The Bible tells us that we were crucified with Christ on the cross. This means your flesh is already dead in God’s eyes. We are to by faith agree with God and view our flesh in the same way.

Why Don't I look Like a New Creation in Christ in the Mirror?

Does Our Flesh Pay A Price for Sin?

How is the Flesh Crucified?

Your Flesh is Dead Christian, Not in School

If Your Faith is in Christ, Your Flesh Has Been Circumcised, Cut Off

He is Dead, We Have Got to Drop the Charges

Why is, Therefore, Therefore?

What Does the Bible Mean by Dead Works?

18) God has called you under the New Covenant and has qualified you as a minister of the Spirit of the law (love) and not the letter of the law (condemnation and death).

Do You Know the Spirit of All of God's Laws?

Christians Are Not Qualified to be Ministers of the Letter of the Law

Letter Kills, Spirit Gives Life

Keeping the Letter of Gods Law, Cannot Fulfill Gods Law

Christians Are Not Under the Law of Moses, Our Standard is Much Higher

We Only Have Two Commandments Christian

How to Fulfill the Law of Christ

Love and Grace Open Closed Doors and Give Life

What is Maturity? Knowing God's Holiness or God's Love and Grace?

19) God wants you to reign in this life and has given you the tools to walk in victory. Your job is to rightly divide and believe God’s word, and the fruits will come naturally as you abide in the truth.

How Christians Dilute the Power of the Gospel in Their Lives

Walking by the Spirit is Gods Will for Your Life, Guaranteed

If Sin Has Dominion in Your Life, You are Living Under the Law, Not Grace 

How to Take Thoughts Captive to The Obedience of Christ

How to Defeat Satan on the Battlefield for Your Mind 

How to Stop Being a Double Minded Christian

How to Know You Have the Wisdom of God to Make Decisions?

The Fear of Man is a Trap

Christians Do Good Works Because Our Salvation is Guaranteed

Doubting Your Complete and Total Forgiveness is What Keeps You Sinning, Christian

What is Maturity? Knowing God's Holiness or God's Love and Grace?

How to Stop Sin Consciousness that Leads to Fear, Worry, Guilt and Condemnation

What is The One Thing That Keeps a Believer in Sin? 

Why A Born Again Believer Still Sins and How They Can Have Victory

How to Stop Sin

A Weak Conscience is Easily Offended

How to be Transformed Into His Image

How to Walk in Jesus Peace No Matter What

When We Run Away from Our Fear is When We Get Beat Up

On the Other Side of the Fear is the Flow

How to Stop Making Bricks for Satan and Walk Freely Into The Promised Land

20) Your heavenly Father loves you dearly and will provide for you. Do not fear or worry.

God Will Provide for His Ambassadors

Christians Have Diplomatic Immunity

Are You Praying for The Wrong Kind of Peace? 

Chasing Circumstantial Peace Leaves Us with No Peace

21) Still have doubts about the salvation of others and a desire to point out the sins of another believer? Be careful, this is a sign that you think you are still being judged by God. You think you are still under the law and doubt your own salvation and project this onto others.  This is what the Pharisee's did. They justified their own sins they considered smaller and kept them hidden while judging others caught up in outward sin. Jesus told those who did this with the woman caught in adultery they had no right to do this unless they were without any sin themselves. Are you without sin? Of course not. Thank God for the New Covenant of grace and truth that replaced the Old Covenant of law.

Can We Really Identify a False Christian? 

Questioning Another's Salvation, Creates Doubt, Does Satans Work 

How to Examine Yourself and See if You Are in the Faith

My Biggest Error as a Christian and How to Avoid It

Will You Be Justified or Condemned by The Words You Speak?

Paul's Method for Talking to Christians Caught in Sin 

Many more New Covenant Bible Studies HERE. Jesus poured out His blood for the New Covenant of grace and truth, replacing the Old Covenant law of Moses. Believers are exclusively under the New Covenant, the last will, and testament of Jesus that began after the cross. 

And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, "This cup which is poured out for we is the new covenant in My blood. Luke 22:20


Section Two with Less Order 


God placed believers under the New Covenant of Grace and Truth removing us from the Old Covenant Letter of the Law.

How Christians Dilute the Power of the Gospel in Their Lives

The New Covenant of Grace Replaced the Old Covenant of Law,

Justified by Grace Through Faith Alone,

Bible Verses on Grace

New Covenant Study Book of Hebrews

Thy Will Be Done, An In-depth Study Into God's Will for Us

Why we are sinners according to the Bible

We Are Not Sinners Because We Sin, We Sin Because We are Sinners,

Does God Send People to Hell Just Because They Do Not Believe in Him?

Why Did God Arouse and Increase Sin in Mankind Beyond Measure?

God Does Not Pay the Wage of Death, Mr. Sin Does

How Could Jesus be Born of a Woman and Not Inherit a Sin Nature?

Why we need Jesus.

Is Jesus God?

Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happen?

We Need Jesus for Righteousness, Not Happiness

If You Believe You Have Been Saved

Leave the Burden on God

Jesus Did Not Die to See If We Can Qualify

Trying to Quantify Belief is a Deception from Satan

God's Exclamation Point, The Free Gift of Righteousness

Did Jesus Sacrifice Provide Forgiveness for Our Future Sins Too? Yes

Does Our Flesh Pay A Price for Sin?

Jesus Had To Come To Our Rescue

My Sheep Hear My Voice, and I Know Them

You Will Inherit Death or Life, You Decide

What About Those Who Have Never Heard of Jesus or the Gospel?

Why Did Jesus Preach the Good News to the Dead?

God is More Concerned with The Death of Man than Mankind's Sins

What is the only way the in the entire Bible, Old and New Testament that a person can overcome their fallen Sin nature and be righteous, right with God?

Only Way to be Righteous,

Literally Righteous in Christ,

Seek First His Righteousness,


Where did sin get its power from to condemn us?

Letter Kills, Spirit Gives Life,

Satan Will Always Point You Back to the Law

Don't Rearm Your Enemy,

Fallen From Grace,

How Much Law Does it Take to Make Grace of No Effect?

How the Letter Killed the Author

Preaching the Law is Preaching the Curse

The Only Place Sin Lies Dead,

Death is an Unintended Consequence of Gods Law

What relationship do Christians now have with the Old Covenant letter of the law of Moses, Ten Commandments?

Jesus is The End of The Law for Believers

A Christian is Dead to the Law, Freed from the Law and Dead to Sin

Christians Are Released from The Ten Commandments

Christians Are Not Qualified to be Ministers of the Letter of the Law

Do You Know the Spirit of All of God's Laws?

How Grace Defeated Sin in My Life

Christians Are Not Under the Law of Moses, Our Standard is Much Higher,

Why is, Therefore, Therefore?

You Do Not Need the Ten Commandments to Obey God Christian

Christians Not Under the Ceremonial Law or Ten Commandments

10 Commandments Are Not Gods Highest Standard

Keeping the Letter of Gods Law, Cannot Fulfill Gods Law

The Law of Moses is Doing its Job

Does Being Not Under the Law Change Anything for Christians?

Law Demands Righteousness Grace Provides Righteousness

What Does the Bible Mean by Dead Works?

What is an Evil Conscience in the Bible?

Is an Evil Conscience Creating Fear in Your Life Christian?

Does Our Tongue Speak Life or Death?

Examining the Practical Righteousness of Abraham

What commandments do Christians have under the New Covenant?

You Only Have Two Commandments Christian

How to Fulfill the Law of Christ

Christians Do Good Works Because Our Salvation is Guaranteed

Dead to Mr. Law, Married to Mr. Grace

Do Not Let the Holiness of God Blind You to the Love of God

Can I lose my salvation by sinning or not confessing my ongoing sins?

Christians are Blessed Because God is Not Imputing our Sins

A Christians Sins are NOT Counted Against Them,

Can We Lose Our Salvation For Not Confessing Our Sin 1 John

Can a Christian Lose their Salvation by Sinning? NO

Sins Are NOT Counted Under Grace

Christians Have Diplomatic Immunity

God Forgets Our Sins For His Own Sake

The Bible Teaches Christians Cannot Sin

Empowered by Acceptance

Is There Such Thing as a Violent Christian Drunkard?

Paul's Method for Talking to Christians Caught in Sin

What is the ONE unforgivable sin?

What is the One Unforgivable Sin?

Who is Jesus Talking to with Depart from Me I Never Knew You?

Go and Sin No More Does Not Mean God is Going to Get You

Adam's Sin Was Unbelief

These People Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God,

The Final Judgment Will You Be a Sheep or a Goat?

What About Ananias and Sapphira?

Sexual Immorality 1 Corinthians 10 Verse 8

Does the Holy Spirit convict believers of their sins?

Holy Spirit Does Not Convict a Believer of Their Sins

Sin Consciousness Grieves the Holy Spirit,

How does God view a believer?

See Yourself as God Does, Stop Doubting, Rest in Him, Walk in Peace

God WILL NOT Erase Your Names from of the Book of Life Christian

I Am a New Creation IN CHRIST

I Am Holy, I Am Sanctified, I Am Perfected

God Said a Believer Can Never be Considered Unholy

Christians are on The Highway of Holiness, Be Holy, Because I Am Holy is a Prophecy

God Sees A Believers Faith Not Their Sins

God is Looking for Our Faith Not Our Holiness

Believers are Never Called Sinners in the New Testament

Jesus Never Called a Believer a Hypocrite,

Sin Does Not Make a Christian a Hypocrite

God SWORE I Will NOT be Angry With or Rebuke Believers,

There is No Condemnation for You Christian

Jesus Specific Prayer for Your Life, Christian

You Are Not Your Inherited Sin Nature

God Loves You and Wants to Save You

God Will Provide for His Ambassadors

Naked on The Cross, The Power of God

Sanctified or Not?

Thanksgiving Because of Jesus

Will God Forgive Us if We do Not Forgive Others?

How Were Those Before Jesus Saved?

Faith Without Works is Dead

Jesus Entrusted Himself to No Man Because

What do I need to do to be more like Jesus? Believe!

How to Read the Bible Understand God's Love and Grace for You First

How Christians Dilute the Power of the Gospel in Their Lives

My Biggest Error as a Christian and How to Avoid It

Why Don't I look Like a New Creation in Christ in the Mirror?

Your Flesh is Dead Christian, Not in School

If Your Faith is in Christ, Your Flesh Has Been Circumcised, Cut Off

How to Take Thoughts Captive to The Obedience of Christ

Doubt and Unbelief are the Precursors for All Sin and Turmoil

Doubting Your Complete and Total Forgiveness is What Keeps You Sinning, Christian

Life in Chaos Christian, This May Be the Reason and Solution

How to Defeat Satan on the Battlefield for Your Mind

What is Maturity? Knowing God's Holiness or God's Love and Grace?

How Do We Lose Our Life to Find Our Life

The Fear of Man is a Trap

If Sin Has Dominion in Your Life, You are Living Under the Law, Not Grace

How to Examine Yourself and See if You Are in the Faith

Walking by the Spirit is Gods Will for Your Life, Guaranteed

How to Deal With The Past That Torments You

Why A Born Again Believer Still Sins and How They Can Have Victory

I No Longer Have Any Consciousness of Sins or Guilt

How to Stop Sin Consciousness that Leads to Fear, Worry, Guilt, and Condemnation

A Weak Conscience is Easily Offended

The Letter of the Law Creates Dis-Ease that Leads to Disease

How to Defeat the Lusts of the Flesh, Know Who You Are Christian

How to Stop Being a Double Minded Christian

How to Know You Have the Wisdom of God to Make Decisions?

Love and Grace Open Closed Doors and Give Life

Victory is Yours for the Believing

How to Have a Closer Relationship with God

How Would You Feel if Your Children Were Afraid of You?

How to be Transformed Into His Image,

Transformed, Our Face Like the Sun, Our Clothes Whiter than White

How to Walk in Jesus Peace No Matter What

When We Run Away from Our Fear is When We Get Beat Up

On the Other Side of the Fear is the Flow

How to Stop Making Bricks for Satan and Walk Freely Into The Promised Land

How is the Flesh Crucified?

He is Dead, We Have Got to Drop the Charges

What is The One Thing That Keeps a Believer in Sin? 

How to Stop Sin,

Escaping Your Addiction to Sin

How to Walk by The Spirit

Stop Disqualifying Yourself,

Work Out Your Salvation with Fear and Trembling

Lacking These Qualities?

How to be Filled with The Fullness of God,

Chasing Circumstantial Peace Leaves Us with No Peace

Are You Praying for The Wrong Kind of Peace? 

Awake to Righteousness,

Deny Your Self Righteousness and Follow Me,

Sin Not The Problem,

Can You Say This Christian?

Do You See All Other Christians with Grace?

Can We Really Identify a False Christian?

Questioning Another's Salvation, Creates Doubt, Does Satans Work

Will You Be Justified or Condemned by The Words You Speak?

Be Like Paul, Stop Acting Like You Can Keep the Law, Christian

Joseph a Picture of Jesus,

Self Occupied or Christ Occupied,

Using Sin to Please God,

Reconciliation vs. Alienation

How to Stop Fear and Worry

How to Have Peace in All Circumstances

Are You Any Less Human Than Your Father? 

Peace and Joy,

One Man's

I Want to Be Just Like You Dad

Hope for the Broken Hearted

Can God Be Sovereign and Not Control Every Detail?

Who Are the Ones God Foreknew to be Conformed to His Sons Image?

Atheism Requires Faith in Miracles

Regular listening, soaking in the pure message of the New Covenant of grace as in the true gospel, will renew your mind, transforming you without effort into the image of Christ. 

This list of New Covenant Bible studies will continue to grow so check back often. 




New Covenant Bible Studies

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