by Eugene Lopatynsky Structure of Authority
1 Corinthians 11:3
Ephesians 5:22-24
Women’s Lib will certainly hate this article to pieces. And that is no great wonder. They really have hated our God to pieces from the very beginning. 1 Corinthians 11:8-10
A head cover for women in the Temple meant that she is under authority, at first the authority of parents, then of a husband. Refusal of the covering implied rebellion and the woman becomes open to demonic attack. The "angels" in this passage are fallen angels: Demons. Some say that demons can under certain circumstances materialize. The Naphalim and Raphalim were the hybrid offsprings of human women and materialized demons. These have no resurrection: GENESIS 6:4, NUMBERS 13; 33 AND 13; 2 AND 13; 25-33, JUDE 6:7, ISAIAH 26:14 Rebellion to God's laws opens any man to demons, but very especially it is a trap for women. See "Extraterrestrials" by M. Hitchcock) Genesis 3:16
It is held by some that originally God intended childbirth to be an ultimate sexual pleasure. When Eva and Adam chose Satan for their God, our God suspended that privilege.
Anyway, Woman's Lib (or lip?), they say, can be historically verified as having been started by witches. Socially, what are the results of Woman’s Lib today for everyone? Most of the destroyed marriages and mutilated children comes from the hands of these people. Satan did not come to Adam. He came to Eve. Then both came against Adam. For what it's worth, statistically, 7 out of 10 divorces are now initiated by women, not men. Laws for Husbands Colossians 3:19
1 Peter 3:7
Ephesians 5:24-26
1 Timothy 5:8
A husband is really the priest of the family. He must love his wife sacrificially; wash her with the Word (Bible- better have daily family Bible study); provide financially for the family; satisfy her sexually; protect her as the weaker vessel, honor her, build her up; control his own resentments and bitterness. When it comes to his or her happiness he must give priority to her. Who says so? Maybe read the verses again. You know what? Very great happiness and very deep affection grows from trying to accomplish this. By what measure you give, so it will return to you, overflowing. Forget your self-esteem. Tell her you love her Don't forget, your only best ally is the Bible. Where else will you show her "wives obey your husbands"? No adultery? Children obey your parents? If you can invest in the stock market, or your house - why not invest in your marriage, your family? What's more important? Have you any idea what divorce would mean? Even financially? You wouldn't need Shakespeare to tell you about the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Love each other. Marriage without love is like a bottle of wine, without the wine. LAWS FOR WIFES Ephesians 5:22-24, 33
Peter 3:1-6, 9, 10
Colossians 3:18
LAWS FOR BOTH, HUSBAND AND WIFE. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5
The Chapter against self-esteem will clarify much right here. Most of the marriage arguments come from self-esteem. If you want divorce and hell on earth, even before hell forever, just listen to psychologists. They are the ones advocating divorce, adultery, and abortion. Who defends the criminals at the expense of the public? Who says not to discipline your children? It is primarily your dear psychologists. Christ Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. God hates self-esteem. It really is a satanic curse, a pestilence within the fallen nature of man, beating up on mankind. If God can be humble, then why can’t you?
HOW TO FIND CHRIST JESUS AND, TRULY, A LIFE ETERNAL Dear reader, there are some amongst us, who are still uncommitted. Just “sitting on the fence” will profit us nothing. The stakes are tremendous and God’s incredible grace is still free. It will not be free forever. With infinite love God gave us a Savior, to pay our penalty and a Bible, a guide and light on our path! The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice is worthwhile to find the BIBLICAL Christ Jesus and to belong to Him. Many cults deny the Jesus of the Bible and present a different, false Christ, a counterfeit. You need the Living Christ Jesus of an uncorrupted Bible. If you want Him, pray now with me, "DEAREST LORD JESUS, FORGIVE ME MY SINS. I REJECT ALL NON-BIBLICAL RELIGION. COME INTO MY LIFE AND BE THE RULER OF MY LIFE. HELP ME TO LOVE YOU MORE EVERY DAY AND TO OBEY YOU WITH ALL MY STRENGTH AND TO READ YOUR BIBLE DAILY, EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE." To get a list of my articles write my full name (Eugene Lopatynsky) into GOOGLE, then click on faithwriters. Or use EDGE for your search engine. Article Source: |
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