Sermon Messages
by PamFord Davis

How long do you remember sermon messages? I must admit my ability to recall is not always commendable. Note taking does help me to concentrate during worship services. As an added plus, I can read pastors’ quotes in years still to come.

Reverend Joe Fain was our pastor in Goodwater, Alabama. I cherish the bond of friendship that I have with Brother Joe and his wife Sherry. He gave good pastoral advice to our congregation. On several occasions he recommended the reading of the newspaper along with our Bibles.

I think you’ll agree… The following scripture passage reads like a quote from today’s news headlines. Israel still has many enemies.

“They say, ‘Come, let us wipe them out as a nation
so that Israel’s name will no longer be remembered.’
For they have conspired with one mind;
they form an alliance against You—(Psalm 83:3-5 HCSB).”

Their enemies want the land.

“… who said, ‘Let us seize God’s pastures for ourselves (Psalm 83:12 HCSB).”

The land belongs to the Nation of Israel. It is their ‘eternal possession.’ (Genesis 17:8)

“Then Abram fell facedown and God spoke with him: As for Me, My covenant is with you: you will become the father of many nations. Your name will no longer be Abram, but your name will be Abraham, for I will make you the father of many nations.  I will make you extremely fruitful and will make nations and kings come from you. I will keep My covenant between Me and you, and your future offspring throughout their generations, as an everlasting covenant to be your God and the God of your offspring after you. And to you and your future offspring I will give the land where you are residing—all the land of Canaan—as an eternal possession, and I will be their God (Genesis 17:3-8 HCSB).”

Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Devotions for the Deaf, The Secret Place, Coosa Journal, Mary Hollingsworth's The One Year Devotional of Joy and Laughter, Jo Krueger's Every Day in God's Word.

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